Chaim Salomon

I don’t really see an issue with this.

4 sentences and you had to use “woke” twice while not making an actual point. Boomer-brain really is a disease.

I’d like to know what constitutes “far right” and “far left” in this case, particularly the latter. Is it like “get a load of these weirdos demanding government-sponsored healthcare and a living wage”?

What do you mean by the far-left? There are aspects of ‘radical liberalism’ that have some (limited) sway at the edges of media and academic discourse. The ‘left’ , as that term’s properly understood (worker rights and at least partial control; public goods like healthcare; job guarantees or government as driver of

With a comment like that you better hope it isn’t. 

What a shit ass thing to say

Now playing

Reminds me of this video I saw recently:

Gross of her

Tbh I’m disappointed that she would accept returning and stepping in to save the franchise after they fired/lost their last 2 female leads over them speaking up for Palestine. I personally won’t be supporting the film after all that went down, no matter who else they bring in.

Trying to imagine the next level epic meltdown had this occurred with Markle. 

If Meghan ever tries anything similar there will be calls for her head. I could not give a single wet sloppy shit about any of the ‘royals’ when it comes down to it, but damn if there aren’t some crazy differences in how differently these two are viewed. When Kate does something odd people tend to wave it off and laugh

Have you met gamers? They get treated how poorly as they do because they ACT as poorly as they do. If a customer base shits on you as much as gamers do, then you have every right to call out their bullshit.

Gamers who take shit this seriously are entitled whiny pricks that deserve to be trolled off the internet. What the devs said is mild at worst and anyone who took actual offense to it should do everyone a favor and shut the fuck up forever. Highly embarrassing shit.

I’m perusing the comments here and primary take-away (as a non-player) is that the game got harder, and people playing at higher difficulties are mad at the idea of playing at lower difficulties because pride.

They don’t view the devs as people. They view them as punching bags.

I feel like with this and Larian Studios receiving toxicity, it’s almost as if this doesn’t really happen because of “bad games,” but because gamers are entitled Karens who don’t recognize the human cost of the games they played.

As far as I’m concerned, all developer interactions with gamers should just be a double mid

the fucking irony of GAMERS crying about devs being mean is incredible. give me a fucking break. these losers spent weeks absolutely berating the devs over the server issue but god forbid the dev team clapback at all. the devs have done nothing wrong 

The customer isn’t always right, etc.

Like, I get it, professionalism for its own sake has value and you don’t want to turn away customers. But I feel like the capital “G” gamers harassing the devs aren’t really owed niceties and decorum like that, and it’s just that general air of entitled consumerism that makes us

Devs didnt lie or say anything wrong.

A 9/11 style takeover became impossible once they started locking the cockpit doors. That was the only real change they needed.