Chaim Salomon

Engage in a simple exercise: Pretend you’re a Democratic king maker. You have the money or the influence, whatever, to handpick a candidate to win the nomination. Your choice is between two candidates vying for a competitive purple district, nearly identical in every way but one — Candidate A has filmed pornography

Engage in a simple exercise: Pretend you’re a Democratic king maker. You have the money or the influence, whatever, to handpick a candidate to win the nomination. Your choice is between two candidates vying for a competitive purple district, nearly identical in every way but one — Candidate A has filmed pornography

Yes, I expect the party that literally tried to overthrow the government to do illegal things.

I have plenty of outrage for the GOP. But for doing the most obvious fucking thing, to win an election? Point to a video that was posted on the internet? It’s entirely predictable. It’s like getting mad at the scorpion for stinging the frog. “MAGA plays dirty, news at 11". Wake the fuck up.

The internet is forever. Put something up on there, paywall or not, it’s out there.

She produced pornography and released it to for public consumption. Don’t make it sound like some vindictive ex released personal pictures. She had to know it was floating around in the ether. There’s nothing wrong with producing porn but it’s madness to do so and then take on a very public role and act surprised or

What goal posts did I move?

Where did I claim Republicans have moral authority on anything? I started my post calling them “vile, nasty brutes.”

Republicans are vile, nasty brutes, etc, but...

The one time I did it it definitely was not worth it; I was a mess the next morning and the quality of my work was in the toilet.

I think he’s gone so far as to kneecap Emmer for being insufficiently loyal i.e. not enthusiastically supporting the January 6 coup attempt. 

He told it like he was a Civil War veteran talking about being at Gettysburg.

In this Republican party? Mittens is lucky he’s being allowed to retire. I don’t know if he’d have been able to survive another primary for his own Senate seat.

From my burned out ATC brother-in-law, when I sent him the article:

I listened to the call - the really good stuff is at 48:30.


  • If you’re born with the advantages of wealth, connections, business relationships, life will be easier for you, especially if you choose to leverage the wealth, connections, and business relationships.

I only take pics of meals I myself have prepared, if they’re knockouts. Once a week at most, though more realistically once every few weeks.

Kind of shocked he was still alive. He’s one of those dudes who’s looked old for like 40 years.

Oh I’m sure the Dems will require some stipulations for any kind of compromise candidate