Chaim Salomon

Genuinely don’t see a way out of this that doesn’t involve some kind of compromise between moderate factions.

Had to check out the Saldana take and yup, sounds like a totally healthy thing that should be normalized and yup, I’m sure some fucking weirdos are going to burn her in effigy over it.

Read the troll’s comment history, they’re a miserable piece of shit here to stir the pot

Evacuation routes to the north and south are being targeted and hospitals are being bombed.

I don’t anymore but for a while I was heavily active in a Facebook group for Old School Rules (OSR) D&D. It was mostly white guys my age or slightly older whining about shit or looking for excuses to post pictures of women in bikini chainmail.

I saw a lot of the most toxic voices in the fan spaces I frequent railing against the show, including a lot of “go woke go broke” chortling when it was cancelled.

You sound like a rational person who genuinely just didn’t like it, which is fine. I was remarking more on the rabid fanatics who really lost their marbles over shit like having women in lead/warrior roles and having same-sex relationships and all that. 

I can’t help but wonder if DHP just didn’t want to deal with KG. Their politics are polar opposite. I think “in the old days” it’s not crazy they were able to put that aside but with KG hard-in-the-paint for Trump that may have made it more difficult today.

  • It is full of old people. Specifically, well-to-do retirees who who have zero interest in investing in the public school system because their (grand)kids live elsewhere. They just wanted to relocate somewhere with lower taxes.

It was indeed a fun show that ended up square in the crosshairs of reactionary morons who

This year was the deadliest for Palestinian children in Gaza in two decades. That was before last week.

You fucking putz 

Yes. Their inability. Because whenever someone brings up the “right to exist” question, you know they’re arguing in bad-faith.

So the Palestinians in Gaza see settlers rolling into the West Bank — where the Palestinian Authority has endorsed a two-state solution, has essentially acted as a security subcontractor for the IDF, has “played by the rules” — and thought “I know we don’t have it so bad in this open-air prison, but see how much

What if it’s a Wednesday? What if it’s a full moon? What other rules do you have for when people should be offended by genocide? 

Likud hasn’t exactly done a lot to win them over, have they? You think cutting off their power, water, economy, and ability to travel endeared Israel to Gaza’s residents? When ‘settlers’ marched through Arab neighborhoods destroyed shops, when they tore out olive trees standing for generations, when they illegally buil

The ethnic cleansing of Palestine has been going on non-stop since 1948. When is it ok for people to speak up and say the deliberate targeting of civilians is a war crime? When would you grant that permission? When they’re all dead and gone I suppose. 

Condemning Israel for committing war crimes is antisemitic? What do you call the countless Jews who have called out Bibi, Likud, and the “settlers” for a decades-long campaign of ethnic cleansing and provocation?

2006 was 17 years ago. The average age in Gaza is 18 years old. Most of the people the IDF is trying to genocide into oblivion did not choose Hamas because they weren’t old enough to vote.

To be fair, there isn’t a member of the onscreen* cast that needs a reunion show less than Dreyfus.