Chaim Salomon

I had to look it up and discovered the oldest of the grandkids, Nikolai, was 23 when he was suddenly informed he’d no longer be a prince, which does kind of suck.

One day these chucklefucks will over-reach so badly it will break society.

The reason for these deaths are moron drivers and moron pedestrians. We can’t really do anything about moron pedestrians, but we can do something about moron drivers.

I agree the themes of the song absolutely align with the audience... which is why it’s strange to me they only seem to be discovering it now, when it’s been somewhat of a mainstay for more than three decades.

I support folks doing whatever they need to do to stay healthy, safe, and sane.

“Appropriated” is too strong.

I’ve turned pizza into a special occasion. No more delivery, no more take out. A couple times a year I roll up my sleeps and make a pair of Detroit style pizzas from scratch. Decadent, deadly, and enough to tide me over for most of the year. 

It’s the same people who thought Tony was a hero (no “anti” prefix”) and held him up as an aspiration. 

Sue them into oblivion.

aka rushed parent pizza

Essentially. Shareholder value is about maximizing the stock price. And half that equation is reducing costs. Salaries and benefits for the workers are costs. Value put into the product/service is a cost. To maximize shareholder value, these other parts of the equation must be reduced as much as conceivably possible.

IDK, I feel like Hardy’s features have gone... blocky? Not in a bad way, the man is devastatingly good looking. Stewart still has a sharp, almost elfin aspect to his face.

You sound like me in that I used to consider myself a “Star Wars fan” in that I watched the shit out of the original trilogy and dutifully sat through all the other theatrical releases, with varying degrees of diminished excitement. I’ve caught random episodes of the cartoons though not in order and I can’t even keep

We need a FOIA on how many people Don Jr and Eric bit during the Trump administration.

I think it’s that you can imagine Tom Hardy as a child/teen or even early 20s aging into Stewart. Shave his head and slim him down and you’re most of the way there. But Hardy getting from where he is today at his mid-40s to Stewart is just not believable.

If you’re a millennial of a certain age (an “elder millennial” if you will) or perhaps a young Gen-Xer, this movie as well as the real-life story was inescapable. I remember it being a huge huge deal when the movie came out, which also meant there were tons of suburban white kids trotting out Jamaican accents.

The “ham bar” angle is an interesting, if slightly obnoxious, question of culture and branding. Numerous nationalities and peoples indulge in a variety of small plate occasions, whether as part of a meal or as the meal itself. The actual label “ham bar” is more interesting/noteworthy, or perhaps the idea that this is

I thought he may have painted himself into a corner but this is a masterful stroke.

Musk’s legal team will question Grimes’ suitability as a parent. Exhibit A - her decision to procreate w/ Elon Musk. 

It takes weeks/months and numerous third party professionals on both sides to facilitate a real estate deal. Realtors, lawyers, loan officers and other bankers, notaries public. This whole thing is farkakte.