Chaim Salomon

The United States is essentially a developing country nested inside a wealthy country. Or more appropriately, a wealthy country nested inside a developing one. Even thinking of us as one country at this point feels so... antiquated. It’s citizens of a wealthy country and a developing country sharing the same

Seems like common sense but I’ve seen numerous folks go to the rhetorical mat for AI “art” that was generated using original works w/out permission or compensation of any sort. Perhaps the more personal element changes things for a lot of folks but... I think a scary number of people will see no issue with this.

NJ native here. I haven’t lived there in 20 years but... there’s no fucking way Catalina is the #1 spot for that state, unless they’re counting “Italian” and “Lite Italian” as two separate entries and splitting the count. 

1000% intentional. Look who he surrounds himself with. Recall that he based appointees during his administration on whether or not they looked the part i.e. “came from central casting”, and how much of his “political” rhetoric is based on ridiculing people’s physical appearances.

Excellent point. I’ve always wondered what exactly it would take to get everyone to a sufficient standard of living and work backwards from there in terms of a progressive tax or whatever.

My biggest concern is the cache of movies and shows that have never been streamed and may never be streamed. Whether it’s rights issues or just never having been processed, there must be countless works — including masterpieces or just very very good/entertaining stuff — that may have only been available to a wide

The whole “finally a real first lady with class” nonsense was always just some dog whistle racism aimed at Michelle Obama. 

no terrorism charges? just arson charges? 

I’ve read that suspicion before. I know way less about autism than you or certainly an expert but it tracks.

I try not to shit on children, especially children who seem... off. But... something seems “off” with him.

Hell yea! I am wrapping my first Call of Cthulhu campaign; it’s been a blast. 

Hell yea! I am wrapping my first Call of Cthulhu campaign; it’s been a blast. 

I did manage to convince my group to move to a rotating GM model and everyone seem eager to try new systems. And I finally moved them off of D&D after 7 years of play so I may finally get to play the more obscure shit on my shelf (Masks? Into the Odd?... possibly even Night Witches?)

No one should be sworn into federal office after their 75th birthday, and that’s probably being too generous. This should be a no brainer.

Does anyone know if federal government stoppage can delay placement of an interim Senator? And if so, is there some kind of “essential” business that can ben forced into the Senate while Dems are a seat down? 

The squishy thing is what “lots of money” is.

While I don’t normally argue against people spending their own discretionary income on whatever they please, it’s hard not to read this story and think it’s never been clearer that we live in essentially a caste system where certain financial tiers are so far removed from each other that the most basic values and

1000% agree they were looking for an excuse to terminate. A couple draft images got loose? Gimme a break.

Dunno how to feel about these two. Do I want my Shit Sandwich to be Diarrhea Smooth or Chunky with Gravel and Shards of Glass?

The Wick films are great and I will never watch this dumb show because it doesn’t matter, and knowing how terrible it is will not cause me to retroactively be disappointed with my John Wick viewing experience.