Chaim Salomon

Distasteful, decades-old jokes and being a sexual predator don’t put you anywhere near the same league, boat, whatever, not even close. Especially when the “cancellation” of Gunn was clearly political in nature and part of an orchestrated attempt to portray progressive voices as hypocritical for having once made off

You are 100% lumping him in by suggesting had he not repented he’d be in the same boat. The dynamic you’re setting up is that if Gunn had never apologized for questionable jokes he made on social media a decade prior, he’d be in the same league as a bunch of unrepentant sexual predators. Surely the weight of the

Lumping James Gunn in with CK and R Kelly and the rest kind of destroy any credibility this comment may have had.

lol I was just thinking “someone just needs to strafe the crowd with a tommy gun”. Also thinking “this is America?” I can’t imagine just going about my day and randomly rolling past this fucking shit. 

I mean, he’s not wrong. He’s been incredibly lucky. There’s nothing that can happen to him at this point. It’s not like he’s going to spend a minute in jail. He could go to sleep on a Scrooge McDuck style pile of money every night if he wanted. He’s able to find pockets of industry acceptance where he can still be

Heavy stuff. I’m in my early 40s and have only recently started to grapple with the idea of my own mortality. Intellectually I have always known I would not live forever but in my gut I always kind of hoped, if that makes sense.

I’ve seen wrong way drivers on two occasions over the 20+ years I’ve been driving. Similar circumstances for both - extremely late at night, on highways that are normally busy but at the moment were thankfully quiet.

My default reaction to Harwell after that video was “fuck that guy”. Then I found out about his kid dying and you know what I’d probably drink myself to death too.

“an MLM posing as a country”

I seem to be genetically blessed re: cholesterol. To be clear, the reason I am on a 1800 calories a day restriction is because I am morbidly obese and have high blood pressure (though am improving on both fronts and have lost almost 100lbs since the start of the year).

I have a good friend who is native (Wabanaki in Maine, which is a whole fucking thing and I suggest you look up the Maine Indian Claims Act of 1980 if you want your blood to boil) and he fucking hates Canada and especially hates the Quebecois. It was an interesting eye opener for me, having fantasized for years about

I’m on 1800 calories a day, currently. Not uncommon for me to have two boiled eggs + 200 grams of fruit for breakfast, which I find quite filling and is typically my smallest meal of the day (about 300 calories).

I rowed crew for a Big 10 School. Ran X-country, track, swam in highschool. Before that lots of soccer plus football (tackle) with neighborhood kids. I’ve also done multi-day backpacking trips, put significant mileage on a road bike, and trained for a triathlon.

The 90s/early 2000s were certainly weird and gross re: sexualization of girls and teens. I’m assuming things have changes because I’ve aged out/no longer have my pulse on pop culture the way I did, but it certainly seemed like if you were a young woman/girl in the public eye — an actress, a singer, whatever — the

I agree in general re: purity clauses; but this specific case is more than a purity clause. The Maxim headline directly invoked “Sabrina, the witch without a stitch.” Joan Hart the private person posing naked on the cover may have been risque but defensible; suggesting the character Sabrina the Teenage Witch is posing

Yea this is crazy. I know the tale of burned out parents on auto-pilot making a horrifying mistake... but when it’s an actual job, there should be formal safety procedures in place -- headcount, sign in, etc. 

Same. We have a double sign in process; parents sign in for pickup/drop off AND teachers also sign in when kid is dropped off/picked up. Discrepancies happen but when they do I get an immediate notification on my phone.

Maybe I’m in the minority but... I was really excited for Rangers of the New Republic.

Mel Gibson was cancelled, right? If we’re going to agree “cancelling” is a thing that is happening in an impactful way, we can all agree Gibson was “cancelled”, right? It perhaps may be difficult to agree exactly why/when he was cancelled — drunk driving and then referring to a female arresting officer as “sugar

At this point anyone purchasing a ticket for this thing is some kind of rubbernecker looking to observe/record the shit show for their own “content”.