Chaim Salomon

Whatever point you think you’re making isn’t landing. Try again, this time w/out homophobic grade-school humor. Or, don’t. It’s ok.


Didn’t we already know they were morally bankrupt hypocrites though?

Ah, didn’t realize your original point was that widespread extremism and hate have completely taken over the Republican party.

We have a pride flag hanging outside our home. We’re not LGBTQ, but many close friends are. Reading this story cause my chest to tighten with fear. With terror. Which I understand is the goal of terrorism. Because we have a terrorism problem in this country, and it’s being openly perpetrated by one of our two main

If the Dems ever nominate a completely unqualified rapist who attempted a violent coup and that person gets an iron clad grip on the party through a cult of personality — and that personality happens to be vile, mean, bigoted, and almost definitely psychotic —then maybe we can both-sides this.

I grew up obsessed with politics and media in the 80s and 90s. Started my career as a journalist in DC in the early 2000s and then pivoted to working on the Hill.

They will tell you he hasn’t, but he has. Once in a while they snap out of it and they realize it and whine and you get hilarious/revealing quotes like “he’s not hurting the people he needs to be”

It’s all made up. What they supposedly want, what they don’t want, etc. It’s all smoke and mirrors.

“Libertarian” doesn’t seem to mean anything anymore, besides some snow flakey “free-thinker” label a specific brand of conservatives apply to themselves. Part of the starter-kit includes frequent use of economic and technical sounding buzz words and claims they’re focused on marketing-driven solutions and data and

C’mon prosecutors, kidnapping, assault, lets get creative with the charges here. 

I know nothing about this dude but the trailer looks unfunny to me at best, if not outright nails-on-a-chalkboard excruciating. Is it representative? I (used to) follow comedy relatively closely and have never heard of this guy; I’m almost curious enough to give him a shot but not if it’s going to drive me up the wall.

“Coach”? STFU

yo they need to RICO the fuck out of the Vatican

eh getting outraged on behalf of “the Prince of Persia” over some perceived cultural ownership of a story is a bit too far

If anyone actually believes this I’d have to assume they have some kind of profound mental deficiency.

Agree — He can be pretty amazing. Off the top of my head: Fight Club, American Psycho, Requiem for a Dream, and Blade Runner 2049. If an actor only had those roles on their resume that’d be a pretty respectable career.

It would grind everything else to a halt. So they can’t do it for the 300 promotions. But they should consider it for at least the top roles like this one. 

  • Conservatives suck at art. They’re bad at it. So there are a lot fewer conservative artists creating art of any quality. So when one does come along and create something passable, every single conservative purchases it, creating a unified wave of dollars behind that one mediocre thing. Liberal dollars, meanwhile, are

My cousin — cousin’s kid really, though she’s in her early 20s and I think of her/refer to her as a cousin — went hard in the paint for Depp during this nonsense. She didn’t really have the greatest opportunities in life but she’s smart and feisty and I have a soft spot for her, unlike my other cousin’s adult kids who