Chaim Salomon

Do you get to pick the music? There has to be some subliminal fuckery you can pull, like only play queer anthems or Nina Simone songs or something.

Granted, I live in a bubble but — this 100%. The most anti-abortion guy I know is still pro-choice. He says he is personally against abortion but believes just as strongly that women should have a decision over what happens with their own bodies.

Part of me wondered if this even really needed to be spelled out for people and then I remembered the timeline we live in. 

I’ll pick my brother-in-law’s brain next time I see him; assuming I remember this chat I’ll report back ;) I think ATC is actually a pretty flat structure. You’re a trainee, then you’re a full-fledged ATC and you stay a full-fledged ATC your entire career or you burn out. Only a tiny minority go into

I have no idea off-hand. A cursory google search suggests the entire school is 1200 students. Sounds incredibly tiny but this isn’t like a college program so they are churning students out faster than every 4 years (though clearly not enough to meet demand). I think it’s like 10 intensive months plus 2-4 year probation

That is correct. It’s not that there’s one overbearing manager -- this is essentially required in some (many?) centers. 

It is indeed one academy, in Oklahoma. Then two to four years to become a full fledged ATC. And yes, not everyone who applies gets accepted (thankfully). So there is a bit of a bottleneck.

It’s not the pay. It’s quality of life. They are burned out and required to work, in many cases, 6 days a week + mandatory overtime. There’s only so much $$$ you can throw at a problem like this.

Brother-in-law is an ATC. He threw himself into it, had this whole career planned out, up through retirement (with a pension!). Benefits seemed great, pay is good, he enjoyed the work, and he was good at it.

Zelenskyy was a comedian in a sitcom where he played a fish-out-water president, before actually running for a becoming a fish-out-water president.

I’ve bought two homes and sold one. None of these sales/purchases were near the realm of $15M.

Same for my wife and I. Maui, specifically Lahaina and Napili Bay area, became our happy place. I’ve been half-seriously* trying to convince my wife that we should move there for years. My heart breaks for these people.

Donald Trump has never changed a diaper.

At one point does DeSantis’ subversion of democracy require intervention from federal authorities? 

Went to Lahaina and Western Maui for our “babymoon” and it become our Happy Place. We can’t afford to go every year, but when we can afford to go someplace special, that is where we have been going.

Same. Once that happened I went from feeling great to queasy.

“People don’t like talking about Elon”

He’s not wrong exactly. Studios today are betting it all on a handful of big budget 4-quadrant movies. Mid-budget fare — whether it’s comedies, dramas, etc — are withering. Feels like the best place left for a talented creator who wants the independence that comes with operating in that “mid-budget” space -- and