Chaim Salomon

Any tips on where to find To Live and Die in LA? Streaming if possible? 

Seeing the quote w/out context, antisemetism immediately comes to mind. Even with the hashtags I would have then just leapt to the conclusion that whomever Foxx believed betrayed him was Jewish.

Cops in my neighborhood used to play hide-and-seek with each other in the middle of their shifts, I shit-you-not.

This guy is why HOAs were invented. Everyone says they hate them* but if you rely on everyone’s common sense sometimes you draw the short straw for a neighbor. That’s this guy — he’s the short straw.  

This guy is why HOAs were invented. Everyone says they hate them* but if you rely on everyone’s common sense sometimes you draw the short straw for a neighbor. That’s this guy — he’s the short straw.  

This dude’s yard looks like fucking shit. He’s got several tire piles taller than Big Foot and straight up giant ass trash bags sitting there c’mon.

I don’t have a DVD player, haven’t had one for years. 

Creativity-wise -- agree.

Frankly reality has become so much scarier to me than any imagined shark or whatever. I suppose a shark movie can push some jump-scare buttons in my nerve center but what keeps me up at night is the news. 

I wasn’t disagreeing with you :)

Zaslov is tracking one thing: ROI. Agree it’s all widgets and numbers to him. All he’s going to care about is how much those widgets cost to make, how much $$$ they brought in, and the delta between the two.

Now playing

This would be hilarious if rape wasn’t part of the narrative.

Now playing

This would be hilarious if rape wasn’t part of the narrative.

Perhaps not as dramatic, but Jonah Hill? Supposedly there were rumors about him and of course Jay Baruchel’s prescience but I think for the most part he had a solid reputation.

I think the important thing is to not get sucked into the cult of personality.

Well that interpretation just further entertains me, to think she rolls into Endgame to waste some aliens but in the back of her head she’s focused on like an interoffice memo she needs to send about following procurement guidelines and the new product roadmap presentation she needs to review and approve.

It is funny to compare/contrast this approach vs, say, Gwyneth Paltrow, who clearly does not know what the fuck is going on in her MCU scenes, nor does she care. Can’t say one is right/wrong, it’s just funny.

I’m not a prude by any means but do movies really need explicit sex in them these days? The internet exists. “We have the technology.” If I want porn I’ll watch porn. Films like this exist for something else.


I too was always confused when articles framed the Avengers as ‘B-List’. Like, are you fucking kidding me? Like your average joe walking down the street had never heard of Captain America? Or Hulk? GTFO.