Chaim Salomon

Weirdly timely for me; I made the transition this summer. Can’t remember the last time I had a bloody mary, but I’ve been pounding micheladas non-stop the last few months. This weekend I cooked out while putting three micheladas away. Kept me cool and gave me a nice buzz but didn’t get too tanked; three bloody mary’s

This is some strong Welfare Queen energy behind this canard. Women a going to deliberately get pregnant so they can get a taxpayer funded “vacation” to get an abortion? Sure. GTFO.

My theory: the strike is intended to slow down/stop all forward movement for the Chosen series as well as the Resurrection movies

can we get back to arguing about the real issue with all of these remakes, which is: why?

This stupid fucking game.

I can get that. I played in several bands in my 20s — obviously nothing on the scale of Live Aid, honestly it’s laughable to compare my experience playing to almost 200 people with Queen playing to 70K (plus the entire planet watching via broadcast).

Got my career started as a journalist, then eventually transitioned to writing marketing copy and such. About ten years in I pivoted to more strategic work, messaging, product management. But that first decade, my bread and butter was writing.

Cops make bank. The O/T is ridiculous and wage theft is rampant. They did a study a few years ago here in Washington state and some of the most highly paid public employees in the entire state were police officers. And I don’t mean high ranking chiefs overseeing entire departments — I mean uniformed officers who were

Gotta be Great Wall. That fucking thing. The malaise was wafting off him and that wig through the trailer alone.

I never know what to make of these scenarios. In my head I know our penal system is mostly broken and dumb. In my heart I know if a loved one was murdered I’d spend the rest of my life showing up to the parole hearings of their killer, spitting venom.

These dudes must have grown up loaded. They’re fighting over a house and whether or not they need to get a degree or a certificate?

The point I’m successfully making is that Barsanti’s claim that WB’s decision to release Tenet on HBO Max “didn’t directly impact” Nolan is wrong.

Cruise is 20 years my senior and I’m still anxious he’ll outlive me, given the batshit insane stories I’d miss out on once he shuffles off this mortal coil.

But his feelings toward Warner Bros. soured dramatically over the pandemic when it bungled the release of Tenet and then released all of its 2021 movies on what was then called HBO Max, a move that greatly offended Nolan even though it didn’t directly impact him.

“Why do you have the age-of-consent in every state at the tip of your tongue?”

the AV Club discussion on this is a shit show. Same weirdo is over here trying to defend sexual assault against a minor as well, copy pasting his arguments.

You just sent me down a rabbit hole of the whole “it wasn’t acting, Baruchel IRL doesn’t like Jonah Hill” thing. Fascinating. 

When I read “Same with Wonka” my mind auto-filled that to: “He’s big, he’s strong, he has great cardio and a chainsaw, and he’s hungry” and I got really curious what kind of prequel you were envisioning. 

Definitely got Justin Long confused with Jay Baruchel for a second and thought “boy they need to just investigate the lead cast of This is the End, huh?”

It was excellent and I feel like it doesn’t get enough credit for kind of kicking off the revival of zombies as a horror thing people were actually scared of, as well creating as the “fast zombie” archetype.