Chaim Salomon

See... if I was Lady Gaga, once I had the dogs and had taken care of the walker, I would have moved on with my life... until this sack of shit came at me with a law suit. At which point I’d turn my considerable power and influence into making their life a living hell. I’d make it my hobby. Any place that hired them,

Having watched The Wire and The Corner and a smattering of his personal musings, I’m going to guess Simon isn’t a big believer in the American penal system. That he’s willing to walk-the-walk — that he’s not asking for something special in this case because it impacted someone he has worked with and been friends with

Having watched The Wire and The Corner and a smattering of his personal musings, I’m going to guess Simon isn’t a big believer in the American penal system. That he’s willing to walk-the-walk — that he’s not asking for something special in this case because it impacted someone he has worked with and been friends with

I will admit, I drank the kool aid. I didn’t know much about him, but what I did know was 1) making electric vehicles 2) real life Tony Stark. What’s there not to like?

If that’s the rule, then it should be written into the contract.

It sounds like this wasn’t a free ticket situation. This was promotion. Meaning there was likely a contract, and by extension some written agreement of what was and was not required of Delevingne. Something she asked the Alfa Romeo personnel about, and they confirmed that no, she does not have to speak with this weird

Also possible he “only” made hundreds of thousands at the time but continued to pull big $$$ for years in royalties. 

Don’t touch strangers, Britney.

Don’t touch strangers, Britney.

Blair Featherman

how about don’t touch strangers 

Trying to imagine someone shooting a faithful adaptation of the Allan Quatermain stories, a precursor to the Jones stories if not the archetype. And... nope, not possible. I’ve never seen the Chamberlain versions — actually, I vaguely remember seeing one, as a child, but no real recollection other than James Early

It’s not jumping to conclusions when you have two dozen sources going back a decade.

I didn’t have time to dig up the torrent of accusations against him but looks like Rolling Stone did. Happy reading.


Oh I have no idea if he’ll actually be found guilty of anything in court. Just that an awful lot of people came forward to say he was a monster to them, at least enough for me to say “not interested” regarding any future projects with him — and I don’t think I am alone.

I’m conflicted. DeSantis is a terrible person who deserves the worst life can throw at him, so watching him crash and burn is like chugging schadenfreude straight off the tap. Also, I drank the kool-aid early on and was convinced for a while that he was a more competent version of Trump — meaning if he by hook or by

It does indeed feel like an inflection for creatives. Seems like we may already be too far down the road for the lowly writers who actually provide most of the creative fuel for the entertainment industry. But feels like even the Faces see things approaching a Before/After segue where things were much better for them

Anything is possible, innocent until proven guilty, etc etc. Sure.

Love a good burger but the convenience of hot dogs is hard to beat. You have to really go out of your way to fuck them up. Crafting a good burger takes some genuine cooking skill. With hot dogs you just have to not burn it too badly and you’re good to go.