Chaim Salomon

Love a good burger but the convenience of hot dogs is hard to beat. You have to really go out of your way to fuck them up. Crafting a good burger takes some genuine cooking skill. With hot dogs you just have to not burn it too badly and you’re good to go.

It depends on how you cut it. He very specifically said London doesn’t feel like an “English” city. But does it feel like a “British” city? And which one should it strive to be, if we’re going to accept “English” is an ethnicity and “British” is a nationality? 

Conservatives are by-and-large deeply stupid people. Profoundly stupid. Satire requires a kind of content literacy most of them lack — I don’t just mean the ability to read (though there’s that too) but the ability to consume information, think critically, place things in the context of reality, and so forth. It’s

LoL eHarmony.

I like to say I believe women, plural. One woman making an accusation - I usually believe them but if you put a gun to my head, sure, I’d admit there’s always a chance they made it up or whatever. I personally know people who were falsely accused of sexual assault (and I know way more women who have been victims of

Thanks! Happy to hear re: the dark meat but now I’m stressing over the pre-cooked part. I’m sure it’s more convenient and easier logistic-wise but my strong preference would be to cook it myself. 

Curious where you read that. I don’t doubt it, just want to read up on it myself --  my immediate reaction to this was “I hope it can replicate chicken thighs, not just the breasts.” Americans are obsessed with the blandest part of the bird. 

You hit the most relevant controversies but difficult for me to think of “Subway” and “controversy” in the same breath and not also think about 1) Jared Fogle and 2) “tuna-gate”.

You hit the most relevant controversies but difficult for me to think of “Subway” and “controversy” in the same breath and not also think about 1) Jared Fogle and 2) “tuna-gate”.

So... Jaws IV then? 

So... Jaws IV then? 

I have to agree. I expected the larger strawberries to taste less vibrant/more mealy — this is the phenomenon I first noticed and still see with grapes where smaller=tastier. But the grape guys need to figure out what the strawberry guys are doing because it’s working. 

I have to agree. I expected the larger strawberries to taste less vibrant/more mealy — this is the phenomenon I first noticed and still see with grapes where smaller=tastier. But the grape guys need to figure out what the strawberry guys are doing because it’s working. 

I don’t think they need the money. It feels like they want to build their brand for the sake of having a brand.

Man if you have the “cilantro tastes like soap” gene it is what it is.

Latinos have been squeezing lime over elotes for like 100 years. Probably more. And who knows how the Aztecs took their corn. 

When you look at it through just about any lens other than romantic comedies from a bygone era, Ryan’s Sleepless in Seattle character is unhinged if not outright terrifying.

Is this so hard to believe? This country is on the cusp of electing an admitted and convicted sex criminal (who also happens to be a traitor). 

Dude’s net worth is (per quick Google search) $25M. Which isn’t to say he’s not entitled to feel shitty when he’s worked hard on a project he feels passionate about tanks. But rather, it’s great when talented young stars make their nest egg so early in their career -- because it allows them to take risks and have

Arnold Schwarzenegger farted directly in this woman’s face at point-blank-range. She has gazed into the abyss. Harry Potter has no meaning to her.