Chaim Salomon

Garlic scapes. Every year as we dip into early summer, I start to keep my eye out for where they may pop up. It can be used in pesto, but my favorite way to use it is to just roast it with some EVO and a sprinkle of salt and maybe red pepper flakes, and then perhaps a squeeze of lemon once it’s out of the oven. Then

Oh I watched the shit out of The Last of Us. I didn’t flag it because Pascal was clearly a co-lead, if not the lead.

Freedom Fries have entered the chat

These are two of my favorite actors and in both cases I felt like, out of ensemble casts where they weren’t really the lead characters (Game of Thrones, Walking Dead), they clearly stood out.

Brooks is corny as all get out.

Brooks is corny as all get out.


Agree. And I hate to be that guy because my normal reaction when I hear about allegations like this is to believe them w/out question. But this story definitely feels... weird. What struck me is to lead w/ accusations re: “emotional abuse” and “abuse of power” and then segue into accusations of sexual assault.


The business side of my brain is furious because sunk costs are like the first thing you learn in business school.

I think you explained it yourself the non-stop flood of batshit crazy shit has buried so so so much that in any other reality would have dominated the news cycle. It would be the number one thing we knew about her. But in the darkest timeline Boebert being a gun-themed restaurant owner doesn’t even crack the top 5

Saw Event Horizon in the theater and fucking loved it. It’s a cornerstone of the “You’re In Space and Everything is Fucked” genre. I didn’t discover till years later it was a flop; I thought everyone loved it as much as I did. To this day my old high school friends and I still murmur to each other libera te tutemet ex

Tuck is a fascist sack of shit who wears his bigoty on his sleeve.

Finally got around to seeing Guardians 3.

The media does this repeatedly. “Globalist”. Soros-bashing. Etc. All these winks and nods that anyone with any cultural literacy would immediately recognize as antisemitic dog whistles are never put into context. I don’t think it’s intentional but it does make me think whomever can’t recognize or explain these obvious

My take - of the siblings, Roman ends up on top.

I’d be a bit harsher in that I would classify anything he made after the 90s - after Dogman - as “other stuff.” Strike Back feels too self-referential, too fan servicey, indicative that he basically ran out of ideas. Or maybe I got old. IDK. For me the Clerks/Mallrats/Chasing Amy/Dogma run was a perfect slate and he’s

Man this movie really hit me. It was my favorite for a long time. And I think part of it was it really challenged me as a guy, in the 90s, raised Catholic in Jersey who was a bit more prudish than he would have liked and did have uncomfortable fixations and hangups with the sexual history of potential partners. I

1 - I don’t track it closely but I feel like Davidson’s feuds happen to him rather than him proactively collecting them. I don’t think he’s out there picking fights and starting shit. Maybe Crenshaw, who lets be honest, deserved it. Usually when 10 people call you an asshole you’re probably an asshole but dude seems

1 - I don’t track it closely but I feel like Davidson’s feuds happen to him rather than him proactively collecting them. I don’t think he’s out there picking fights and starting shit. Maybe Crenshaw, who lets be honest, deserved it. Usually when 10 people call you an asshole you’re probably an asshole but dude seems