Chaim Salomon

He’s not whining about privacy. He’s very clearly calling out the notion that there is a specific way a straight, “masculine” man “should” behave and anything that falls outside of that definition is labeled as “gay”. Bending over backwards to fit someone else’s definition of who you are and how you should behave -

He’s not whining about privacy. He’s very clearly calling out the notion that there is a specific way a straight, “masculine” man “should” behave and anything that falls outside of that definition is labeled as “gay”. Bending over backwards to fit someone else’s definition of who you are and how you should behave -

Agree, the problem isn’t that she has feedback for the writers’ room. It’s that she’s airing the grievance in a public forum.

I had a kid about 8 months before covid.

100%. I work for a company that is primarily WFH, thank goodness. But we do have an HQ near where the majority of our employees live, including most of the leadership and my direct manager. And I’m at a point in my career where it would help to be seen in person on occasion. So once a month, during the all-team

I feel similarly. In principle I’m ok with her speaking up for the character and sharing her creative perspective. I have to imagine a lot of the furor over this was related to her age and gender and if that’s the case, would the same people be rolling their eyes if Brian Cox had shared similar sentiment. Important to

My 2 cents - I wouldn’t introduce a new dog into a home with an 18 month old. Full stop.

My 2 cents - I wouldn’t introduce a new dog into a home with an 18 month old. Full stop.

NGL - whenever I hear of a friend or acquaintance getting a purebred dog through a breeder (don’t know anyone getting dogs through pet stores unless it’s an adoption event) my eyebrow raises. Genuinely, what are you doing? But the allergy argument is pretty compelling and just about the only one that doesn’t leave me

NGL - whenever I hear of a friend or acquaintance getting a purebred dog through a breeder (don’t know anyone getting dogs through pet stores unless it’s an adoption event) my eyebrow raises. Genuinely, what are you doing? But the allergy argument is pretty compelling and just about the only one that doesn’t leave me

I think the “child free” route is becoming more and more common. At least from my own anecdotal observation.



While I’d prefer to know slightly more about a movie to generate interest... I prefer this to knowing the whole damn plot before going in. Give me the title, cast, and a once sentence plot synopsis and that’s pretty much all I need to tell me if I want to see a movie or not. I bend over backwards to avoid coverage,

Tone of this piece is odd. HOPE SHE’S HAPPY IN A GARAGE. If I made whatever $$$ she pulled for a couple hours recording VO in a garage I’d be happy as fuck.

How is this conversation happening and no one is mentioning Malta Goya?

100%. I love elotes but this sounds like corn with melted cheese drooping all over it and sliding off? And I’m putting all this in a package with meat and everything else to feed to vegetarians? What?

I really like Gadsby and Nanette, but if the criticism cited here is accurate, then yea the exhibit sounds lazy and flat out bad. Which is a shame for obvious reasons, but also because I don’t want to be put on the same side of an issue as Gadsby’s critics, who up until now have mostly just been terrible people. 

Poe’s Law.

Without actually having seen the author’s video, there’s a tiny, teeny, way, if I can squint, to see the author’s perspective. Where her comments were intended to be “sarcastic” and it all blew up in her face. It requires a dump truck to haul the amount of benefit-of-the-doubt required to see it this way, but I can