Chaim Salomon

I adore Temple. It was the first Indy movie I saw and I wore the shit out of that VHS tape. And I still love it today. But I agree — it is, objectively, racist. It will always have a place in my heart, but with a big blinking red asterisk. I can defend it as a great movie, and certainly a fun movie. But I can’t defend

Yea, “probably”. Do you need me to get you a dictionary? Or you just like to stir shit up?

It’s one thing to become wealthy or famous. While I’m sure it’s not all daisies and rainbows, I’m hard pressed to imagine the negatives outweigh the positives.

It’s an elote aka Mexican street corn. They’re excellent, but definitely not “new”. And as noted, not featured in the slideshow. 

Half the items on this list - and the cover image, which is of a woman eating an elote - are basically either authentic Latino food or commercialized spins on Latino food. Which is fine, but it’s weird to refer to them as “new” as if they’ve been recently discovered or invented. 

Being unmarried and childless has all sorts of societal costs, pressures, etc... but negatively damaging your career isn’t one of them. Unless you’re, like, a pastor or a mommy blogger or something. But an actor? No, my dude. In just about any career in America, including (especially?) the entertainment field, being

Hard agree. There’s no way I’m whipping together custard for a sandwich. Especially not when I’m drunk/high at 3 AM. 

One Man’s Trash is easily one of the greatest and most magical moments in comedy television 

Trump’s undeniable misogyny feels like such an obvious Achilles’ heel. DeSantis should be on all cylinders churning out ads with his wife by his side, since it seems she is able to stand him, unlike Melania and Trump’s toxic suicide pact.

I’m not sure I want to put Jeremy Strong through one more second of inhabiting Kendall’s psyche.

Oh I like the idea of a “mule” bar. That’s fun.

Oh I like the idea of a “mule” bar. That’s fun.

Anyone have any tips for preparing sub sandwiches ahead of time, for a party? I assume if I do it morning of, wrap individually in parchment, label, and refrigerate until serving, I should be good? 

Open bars are expensive, so some people opt to serve a small selection of beer, wine, and signature cocktails only—this helps shave off any unnecessary extra expenses for liquors that ultimately don’t get consumed by the end of the night.

Closest two grocery stores to me are a Safeway (Albertsons) and Fred Meyer (Kroger). If the merge goes through, I’m over a barrel.

Gosling’s start was indeed firmly as a proto-Ken, and it is wild to see how far he’s come and where’s he’s landed. This little Canadian kid who doesn’t have much discernable talent - can’t really dance or sing - is plucked from obscurity and lands a Mouseketeer gig that he can’t be fired from, despite his lack of

Loved the show. Perhaps my favorite show ever, full stop. And loved Gerri, the weird dynamic w/ Roman, etc.

First of all, fuck Ron. Fuck his wife, too, probably. I don’t know anything about her other than that she was a news anchor and had some health issues, but also that she’s married to Ron. So.

The quality of writing across all the sites has been cratering for years. First Jezebel, then AV Club, now the Root. Takeout seems ok though they hardly seem to create any content anymore. Gizmodo, Kotaku, Jalopnick and the others seem less impacted though I read them less so perhaps I just haven’t noticed. The less

Yea, that felt like the real interview, the real “soft pitch”. And Tom passed Mattson’s fucked up test.