
No it’s not. Back in 06 I when I was in ninth grade I was reading articles about how they pretty much fired the Iraqi army and security forces, telling them to take their weapons and go home. So they sent the only trained guys away with their weapons and then got confused when things didn’t organize themselves (maybe

Don’t care what she was trying to say, actually. I care that he was trying to talk over her and she wasn’t fucking having it. Good for her.

Finally the reason Denton said we need burners has arrived.

yaaa there is literally nobody else

Note that I didn't say I wanted her to be in it, just that they would probably cast her in it.

They weren't even miscarriages, I wish people would stop saying that. Patrick lived for two or three days. Arabella-sort of, but she was born stillborn.

You shut your whore mouth.

Nobody is safe down under. Nobody.

Patrick Kennedy died when he was days old, and Arabellaa was still-born, both of those heartbreaking circumstances. I couldn't imagine going through that. Also, who are you to even assume that she was able to get over the murder of her husband "quickly"? He may have been broken, but he was still the father of her

I don’t think it’s in good taste to minimize anyone’s personal tragedies. You really can’t compare your tragedies to someone else’s. It’s actually a really shitty and mean thing to do. You don’t even know this woman, and you’re so quick to minimize her life. Why? Is it to make yourself feel somehow superior because

tomorrow on a list of actress to hate: Maryl Streep


i was disappointed w black swan. i wanted it to be legit freakiness and not just mental freakiness

I know that! But ever after doesnt have Natalie Portman either-I was just referring to the topic of very sappy rom coms that I love despite that.

that’s jennifer garner.

There is literally nothing worse than someone who doesn’t understand / is a pedant about hyperbole.

Fragile Ecosystem

They are going to put Shailene Woodley in this, aren’t they?

What the hell did I just read?