
So damn cute.

Cathy finally gets her due.

I would pay money to see this.

To my mind, this is one of the very rare perfect usages.

Me too. I felt a little let down that it didn’t get crazier.

I really enjoyed 13 going on 30, I thought it was surprisingly sweet!

She’s just not funny. And she’s too tall.

Nobody is safe down under. Nobody.

They’re next to the red licorice.

Apparently, over-privileged people don’t feel pain, so it’s okay! If she’d been alive to see her son’s death, she probably would have just looked at her closet, laughed and called it a day.

Nobody holds candlelight vigils on the dates, grieving over what could have been.

Now I’m just envisioning a scenario that escalated to the point of a gun being held to your head over having to choose one of these two words.

I am crying my eyes out right now. And I never cry. Like, to the point that it’s almost weird. This has made me cry like a baby. I wish you and your mom had more time together. But it’s obvious she loved you with all of her heart.

Your mom sounds like a really amazing human being. Give her a hug from an internet stranger next time you see her, will you?

Oh the 70s. When moms took drugs and Halloween costumes didn’t have to be sexy versions of costumes.

Fist bump back atcha. Paleontology is just the most fascinating thing, isn’t it?

That is a fantastic story (with a horrible epilogue, you’re right) and your mom seems really great!

Ha! I haven’t seen that movie, but now I think I need to watch it just for that scene alone!

Your mom sounds amazing.

Agreed. Also, I got carded tonight. So that doesn’t hurt, does it?