
They already have so much baggage....

Oof, millions would have to emigrate.

How great would it be if all the people who threatened to move to Canada over politics just....did?

I know I did.

I can’t believe I’m going to defend Goop, but is it not possible she had a prior commitment to attend that dinner? Something she agreed to do a long time ago, perhaps?

I think it counts!

Pretty sure you can get a degree in this online. Or visit one of two campuses in Florida or Arizona.

I knew it!

So, what you’re saying is that you are Elba in a red apron making a list?

Every time I read one of your comments, I have an image of you in some kind of yoga pose, typing with one hand.

Ringtone. Vagina. Stoned HS boy.

Dear Farrah,

Maybe I’m just mis-remembering. (Or time travel. Time travel would explain this.) I do remember the Four Food Groups, though and in my memory, it was an update to that.

Especially the red ones.

Whoops and I forgot to reply about the food pyramid. I thought that was something they introduced in the early 70s, no? I could be wrong but I do remember being given a booklet with food groups, shaped into a pyramid when I was in maybe 3rd grade, which would have been in the mid 70s and it was still kinda “new” then.

Dammit, I don’t have a link. The one time I read something and then don’t save it and now I can’t find it again. I just read a peer review from maybe two weeks ago that I saw as a link on some news site. I’ll try to find it and reply later, because now I really want to link it!

That’s a very good point.

It’s coming.

Well, technically, yes. But the early to mid 90s was when that message was most pervasive. We were being told that fat was bad back in the 80s but it didn’t reach it’s critical mass until the 90s.

This is true. I have had blood sugar issues in the past (I dialed them back into normalcy with a combination of good diet/exercise and frankly a lot of really good luck) and I can tell you from personal experience that I can actually eat real sugar now without any problem. However, I cannot eat food with small amounts