
I can understand what you mean about feeling happy about something in the middle of a lot of sad stuff, though. I’m glad she’s doing great. That’s got to be such a difficult road, particularly when you lose a partner so recently. Hugs for you and your aunt!

I would take them all, too, in a perfect world. Sigh. Be thankful for the two cat limit!!

I always do a massive eye roll when the whole, “I love to cook for my husband” line gets trotted out.

I always think of the wine, too. I do give myself several days here and there where I always think of the water, instead. That’s helpful. :)

Aww, thanks! I can’t refuse a doggie in need. (I’d foster cats too, but I’m horribly allergic, boo!)

Ha, I love your grown up/refusing to grow up balance!!!

I’m so glad you’re feeling better and they figured out you were undermedicated!

Will someone think of the wine??!

I’ve been using that since I was in HS and I love it! Every time I stop using it, I wonder what the hell I was thinking and go get a bottle. :)

Ooh, that sounds like a good deal on the hand cream. I love their stuff. And not cooking is good on a Saturday night.

Oh wow, that’s such a big deal! You must feel so good about paying off those loans from the MA. Yay!

I am making dinner right now and I poured myself a glass of wine and almost spit out my first sip when I read that. Haha!

That not only makes sense, it only makes me love you more.

Oh, but is like that, sometimes.

Yeah, I’ve been there!

I never said I agreed with harassing the family. Which you know.

Hey everyone! This seems like a week (another one!) where there have been so many sad stories to go around and everything seems to have a little bit of futility and frustration attached to it...which blows.

Good! That’s mine, too. I had dinner with a friend who just turned 49 and she was saying that her 40s have been The Best time of her life. Finally, our time!!!

If. I. See. One. More. Flower. Head. Wreath.

I agree with everyone else who said it doesn’t seem creepy at all. It seems polite and respectful and I hope she calls you! :)