
You realize how this will look if you leave, right? It will look like this. And aint nobody wants that.

Wait, do they give you a cookie if you get 5/5??

You should buy a lottery ticket today.

Now THAT is a silver lining, right?



I didn’t get any of them correct.

No, she really hasn't.

Party in the front, megalomania in the back. (Near the nape, I think.)

Marcia is wearing a mustard retro stripe high neck tank from the SS10 collection archive.

Everyone knows pizza is for the rehearsal dinner.

I think that could be a safe bet!

I don't know. But it's rude. RUDE.

I had one small wardrobe malfunction. I had so much stuff going on the week before the wedding that every time I sat down to eat, I'd get interrupted or distracted and I ended up losing enough weight in that one week that my dress was too big on the big day. Unfortunately, I had no idea until I put my dress on and the

But this wasn't your roommate. Or mine. And we can't decide someone's guilt by how they react (or don't react)after a traumatic event.

Did it say anything in her obituary about her brows?

I went to an event (sadly, no bongos) the other week and while I was turing into the "official" parking structure I looked over at an independent lot with a guy with an uncle sam costume and a sign that said, "15 event parking!" I was like, pfft. What straight-off-the-farm loser falls for THAT?

That might be cheaper than parking.

A commencement speech given naked while furiously smacking bongos....well, that's something that would actually make me pay for parking.