
Trump has to be in court Aug. 14 for the emoluments lawsuit. Blumenthal is the lead plaintiff. That’s why there is a twitter storm coming from that orange asshole.

I wonder if Trump has seen the Newsweek cover. I’m guessing not, or he’d be going off about it.

Cool! I can get a cape for my cosplay, and a new Kallax shelf at the same time!

Opinion: everyone should have to survive off of service industry jobs and wages for a year. It would make society a nicer place.

California would have such a collective stroke, we’d all simultaneously collapse, causing our entire state to break away and give all those mid-Westerners what they have wet dreams about 😉

Color me shocked that a billionaire coal man from the South is a republican.

A friend of a friend is a Republican staffer who works in the White House. Apparently, Trump genuinely believed (and refused to believe staffers when they told him it wasn’t true) that Mexico is in South America.

They voted for a guy who shits on people they hate.

TRUE. The fart residue alone could kill a goat.

A lot of this was the GOP platform anyway, but he’s cranked everything up to 11 and added some wrinkles of his own, to the point where some in the GOP itself are finally saying “whoa there Donny, let’s think this through a bit” on certain issues.

I’m gonna be petty here:

After reading the full WSJ interview with Trump it’s kind of hypocritical that he wants to require immigrants to speak English.

Where’s someone who wants to impress Jodie Foster when you need them?

On this, I have a suggestion from something I put up on Facebook last week.

OH, NO, NO!!!

Your tragic gallery of oppressed, male whities is missing this one.

So would that also mean that thoroughly unqualified “legacy admissions” will be illegal? Several come immediately to mind...

I’ve watched this show a lot. I HATE that brides who are married in a non-Judeo-Christian ceremony are often docked points for stupid reasons like ‘they didn’t say any vows’ and ‘they didn’t kiss’. In Sikh and Hindu ceremonies the couples don’t say vows and most definitely don’t kiss - in Muslim ceremonies the bride

I still don’t quite get it, I guess. Why would he demand such a thing from them?