Elizabth Moss’s poor bleached hair.
Elizabth Moss’s poor bleached hair.
My grandfather had this hanging in his house when I was a kid. It always fealt haunting but I didn’t understand why. Now, after some quick googling, it’s pretty clear to me that my grandpa had it, in part, because his baby sister was crippled by polio.
How It Ends was the worst one I’ve seen in a while. I kept waiting for a Cthulhu but Cthulhu never showed up!
See: Money
Can you imagine a world where this woman is our First Lady?
Not defending her, but that’s not Kat.
As a teen, I caught my heel on a mushroom at Pizza Hut while rushing back to the dining room. Greasy mushrooms are basically soap. The cook closest to me (also a teen) tried to catch me and ended up elbowing me hard in the side of the head. Teens are clumsy and aren’t spatially aware.
When anti-choice and anti-immigrant beliefs contradict!
I got a coworker hired into my new department from my old department. He and I did the same job previously and we’re hired for the same job in the new area. I had been with the company longer. When he was hired in, he was given $4 more per hour than me.
Someone made the point on twitter “can you imagine a crowd of people shooting up at an occupied hotel”.
Can I also have a brutal English series loosely depicting Christopher Nolan’s time as a Nazi hunter in WW2? Pretty please?
Will we ever be able to come back from this? Is this just how our politicians will be now?
None of these fucks is going to take the path to redemption. It’s probably due to NDAs, but I wish one of the cast-offs would behave like they were actually fired and dish a bit.
Hey I’m 29 and would totally. He’s one of the men in Hollywood who are known for being exceptionally well endowed.
The first bit reads like a real ass apology, whether or not she means it. Then she went on about how she’s a regular sweaters-and-leggings girl and I rolled my eyes so hard they’re stuck like that now.
“I am allowing Japan &a South Korea...”
My hope is Congressional Republicans get pissed at Trump for lobbing this one over the fence and they stop ignoring how unfit for office he is. If they don’t pass something, Trump will throw them under the bus faster than you can say MAGA.
Now every time an abusive lover says “look what you made me do” they owe Taylor $2.