
This is Vogue. No look counts until a white person does it.

Like Rihanna did 2 years ago?

Is... is this photo genuine? It really does look shopped, but then, people’s faces change...


He moved on him like a bitch.

States whose combined population doesn’t even come close to somewhere like LA County!

In a sick way, I hope something truly terrible has gone down with Trump and Putin. I want every Republican to own this nightmare now and forever, and supporting a president who was found to have sold out our democracy and play the puppet to a foreign adversary may be the one thing that could end the GOP for good.

Know what’s even crazier? Like 6 states get to decide who becomes president!

I hear those go for a pretty-penny on the Dark Web.

Even a broken, alcoholic Nazi clock is right twice a day.

Right? Man, I see human poop in my neighborhood on the regular and not a Roma in sight, I just assume that it was all Tucker Carlson.

Tucker, honey, do you have any idea how much white Americans shit and pee in public? Cause it’s a lot. Especially when drunk.

I have small shoulders, big boobs and a small-ish waist (compared to the rest). Clothes that aren’t fitted (or have the waist too high) make me look pregnant.

Just browser the website and I was like.. “ Look mum, no waist”!

I will just say that I’m very busty and curvy—but their silk square button up is my FAVORITE shirt. It’s so flattering and I was super surprised!

Because it’s easy for them. They don’t have to consider where to put the waist curve or a narrowed hem in a blouse or sweater.

I love their stuff but I would agree with this. I have big shoulders and a small waist, so boxy stuff just makes me look huge. I mostly buy their blouses, tho, and I tuck those into my skirts, so it is less of a problem.

So the theme weeks are to keep him occupied and away from Fox News and Twitter for a day at a time? Fantastic. I do the same thing with my daughter when she gets fussy: try to distract her with something shiny so she forgot why she was upset.

Shit, I’m embarrassed that I now feel bad for Melania, because she’s going to have to change his Depends after getting to drive a truck like that. I mean, I know that if my 2.5 year old son got to sit in the driver’s seat of a fire engine, there’s no way he’d have a dry diaper for weeks.

I’m just here to offer up a size 6/8 wedding gown that has been fully altered to a 5'6 woman, and has never been worn. It’s a-line, embroidered, with a bustle already in place for the train. It’s David’s Bridal, but I’ll give it away for the cost of shipping since it’s just taking up room in my closet. If you want