It’s true. That is why he thinks he is doing a great job.
It’s true. That is why he thinks he is doing a great job.
I love how Jimmy Carter is building houses at the age of 92 (after collapsing due to dehydration) at the same time this guy needs a break from being President.
There is never only one inmate being sexually abused in prison. She is not and will not be the only inmate these guards help traumatize and abuse. Whether or not we care about this specific criminal, this shit is pervasive and will never end if we continue to ascribe respectability to only a few inmates.
Yeah, I hope that he was told in a very condescending manner, “Monsieur President, we do not keep ketchup on the premises.”
There were certainly elements in Black Swan and Portman looked very very gaunt. I don’t know if the film could be said to have glamorized EDs, but it did seem to reinforce the necessity of severe restriction as part of dance culture.
Have seen this movie soooooo many times. So cheesy!
THIS! I am an ice cream whore and will keep going back until the pint is gone. Of course it doesn’t have the same mouth-feel but if it stops me from eating 1200 Ben & Jerry’s calories then it’s good enough for me.
I’m kind of obsessed with Halo Top. I agree...the texture is weird. But I’m a compulsive whole-pint eater, regardless of the calories, so I needed this product. I actually have cozies for ice cream pints, which is why I didn’t notice the instruction on the label that explains you’re supposed to let it sit out a bit…
Look, guys, Taylor is here.
Absolutely, he was congratulating Emmanuel Macron for being the owner of a nice trophy.
Yep, because women are either fuckable or not fuckable to him and the real men have fuckable wives.
This had nothing to do with Brigitte Macron; it was Trump’s idea of how to compliment Emmanuel Macron’s alpha status. Because Trump is that much of a troglodyte.
Absolutely. ABSOLUTELY. He’s surprised he’s thinking about fucking a woman over 35.
I was flying out of Hartford a few years ago, and the TSA agents were talking about Kathy Bates going through the line a few minutes earlier. The guy checking licenses recognized her, but she denied it. He was like “I have your license right here. It has your name on it.” She stuck to her guns: “I have no idea what…
I told her I chose very unsupportive friends.
People say the most awful things to people with cancer. Well, they say the most awful things all the time to everyone, but you really notice it when you’re covered in scabs from chemo injections. A friend of mine looked me deeply in the eyes and asked, “What have you done to bring this into your life?” I told her I…
For actual human beings with consciences, there are no sides.