
This asteroid would definitely wipe out a large are very quickly. NASA data:

If they think they’re gonna be safe in a Cybertruck then I’d say no, they don’t know exactly what they are doing right now.

I say give the asteroid a chance, we haven’t even heard about its economic policy yet.

They will cut all your earned benefits to the bone and send the money straight to their own companies. Trump did it last time with his hotels and golf courses. This time it will be much more direct and brazen. 

We kinda deserve it at this point. I just hope we can ensure it lands on Musk.

We had a good run. Maybe Mother Nature can do something less self destructive when the squids crawl out of the ocean and take over when we’re gone.

As a hipster, I have to ask, are they compatible with rotary phones?

Except that you can’t get a judge in Texas to overrule a state law in Massachusetts.

Two issues with this in the US:

1] reversing cameras are required. Therefore a built-in screen is required.
2] last I looked, lawmakers were in the process of demanding that cars came standard with AM radio.

I mean... I *guess* you could have a built-in screen that handles the camera, the AM radio, and whatever vehicle

This just moves failure by obsolescence from the car electronics to the cell phone. If the maker of the phone OS decides to close a vulnerability or removes a feature the car comms depend on that cuts communication with the car and the owner’s use of the car is done for. Many years on some phones is 5. 

will introduce potential security risks to our customers”

but it takes the cell phone right out of the hands of the millions of distracted fuckers driving

You have to appreciate the hubris of a company that can say, Sure, Apple and Google have hired the best UI designers in the world for decades now, and they probably know more about how people interact with screens than literally anyone on earth but... I bet we could come up with a better interface in 12 months. Our

That is irrelevant to the truck, that is just Massachusetts drivers.

I keep a handful of business cards for one of those “We Buy Junk Cars for Cash” places in my glovebox just in case I see one of these parked nearby. Figure they could use the awareness.

Which is probably why Tesla won’t take it as a trade in; they know there’s at least some expensive damage hiding under that wrap, but not how much. There’s also a chance that they made an offer low enough to cover the uncertainty, but this guy thinks he’s owed full msrp.

Saying violence is never a good idea ignores that in a justified position, violence is the last resort. It should not be approached glibly, but to deny its power is saying the status quo cares for people and justice, and we know that isn’t the truth. But I digress.

But the wraps damage the truck faster than rust.

Guy wanted a truck that would get him attention.  He got it.  More at 11.

There is always the possibility, and I know this may be a radical suggestion but hear me out, maybe this guy is just an overall douchebag and the hostility has nothing to do with the truck.