
Omg, guys. We are living in an episode of the Apprentice, aren’t we?

ABC is home to Black-ish and Fresh Off the Boat, it’s one of the better networks for diverse comedy.

Collins and Murkowski have stood by their principles and been open and vociferous throughout. Real heroines.

But was his hair like this?

Also, it’s very cloudy.

The story of Aladdin comes from 1001 Arabian nights. And that work is actually a collection of stories from throughout the middle east and India. The Aladdin story wasn’t even an original part of the 1001 Arabian nights. It was added by a French author in the 1800s. It’s no more authentically Arab than The Jungle

Sorry but this story is shit-stirring and mean.

Millions of people play it!

I’m cheap, so I just use an old pickle jar and a 3" strainer I got at the dollar store. I usually filter it through twice. (Protip: it’s good to give it a shake/flip during the brewing process, but give it an hour or more to settle before straining so all the grounds are reclumped.)

I need to try this. Have heard so much about it....

As a person with an autoimmune disease, I am not offended in any way shape or form and actually think this is a pretty good analogy. People need to sit the fuck down.

I thought you were talking about the Drake/Zoe headline - which I clicked on because I wanted to see if she was talking about actual cakes, but then I came across this:

That headline is WTF!!!!

Maybe it’s because I love the original version of Maria Maria (now *that* is a sexy summer song) but this feels like a flat, washed down version of it, rather than a different song that samples it, if that makes sense. I’ll play it and Rihanna looks amazing but it’s just meh to me.

I can’t believe she’s a professional writer. But, I can’t believe that Emily Schuman is a professional... writer? as well.

tl;dr. Lost me at the beginning with “hashtag” written out. Lost me for good when she wrote “retarded”.

Yoko totally rules, her art and music alike. Lots of folks will defend her studio and performance art (and they should), but it’s weird that people still have this stupidly dismissive attitude towards her music. “Why” off Plastic Ono Band leaves 99% of punk in the dust, Fly is easily my favorite post-Beatles record,


Oh my god, another Jezebel post praising the Galloway Gals? We get it, they were very influential in the feminist/dinosaur film landscape, let’s talk about something different for once. Jeez!