Heineken is bottled in Holland.
Heineken is bottled in Holland.
Because it scares the fuck out of you when a predator does this to you. As soon as she felt powerful enough, she had him removed from the venue.
Oh, crap, really? He’s a Trump supporter? Ugh.
wut? Say it ain’t so!
Don’t worry everyone… I got this.
This didn’t make sense to me either, so I looked a few things up.
There’s a difference between CBS Network and CBS Studios. CBS Studios makes/made Lost, Grey, Crazy Ex, Jane etc etc. They’re then sold to different networks, like ABC and the CW. CBS Network shows may have been made by CBS Studios, but could also have bought from elsewhere. Two different companies own by the same…
A-ca-scuse me?
Megan, you are making me Team Pentatonix! Is this what you want? Is this your end goal?! The more hate that pours out from Jezzie towards them, the more I feel the need to defend their little earnest selves. It’s a vicious cycle that must be broken.
Yes, let us never miss an opportunity to express our misogyny through body-shaming! Way to go, you edgelord, you!
In my fenced in back yard?
Um, I love animals. I love all animals. But if you’ve got copperheads under your house, animals you love start dying unless they die first. Nature is a brutal thing. 99% of snakes I wouldn’t touch - lots of snakes take care of rats and such and do so without harm to most things. But copperheads in your yard/home need…
Nah, copperheads are dangerous AF. My neighbors lost two dogs to them. Copperheads gotta die. Especially if you have a dog.
This is a 72 year old woman and these are very venomous snakes infesting her house. If she accidentally stepped on one or got too close and spooked one to the point where it bit her, she could easily die. Copperheads are not threatened or endangered, in fact they’re classified under “Least Concern.”
Copperheads are exceedingly dangerous, and a nest of them under a residence is a situation that more than justifies their extermination. That’s all there is to that.
So if I’ve got mice in my kitchen, I’m not allowed to set traps because apparently I created the conditions that attracted them? That time my kitten caught a mouse and paraded it around the perimeter of the apartment like a damn gladiator, I should not have been proud of her and removed the mouse from her mouth and…
Seriously, I advocate against killing and paid some guy a couple of hundred dollars to “relocate” 6 or 7 skunks, moving them from under my cabin to somewhere out in the nearby forest. But I would kill a pack of poisonous snakes that had taken up residence under the house, just like this brave old lady. Aren’t…
are you pontificating from Park Slope or some shit
I am so mad you just sad that! hahahahahahahaha