
Good on them for not trying to spread the blame, though. That seems like a half-assed bakery pun, but it isn't.

Yeah, I totally missed the point, but I would (and have) argue(d) that the point was unclear. To think, a simple cartoon and single line of text didn't thoroughly communicate that the person being quoted is going around volunteering to everyone they meet that it was specifically spanking that turned them into the

Yeesh. I think I just assumed that no one would defend hitting kids in this day and age. I get it if this is a response to that. Gruss. This sounds like another reason I avoid Face Book.

I believe you've hit the nail on the head, Ms. Tart. But one should recognize that when one says "spanking fucks up a kid" to a former kid who was spanked, they're going to take it as an insult to them and their parents and become defensive. Hence: me.

Mostly not what was said, I think. It definitely says that I'm an asshole, though, because that's something I have said. Not as a defense of spanking, but as a defense of myself. The rest of it is just stuff it could imply.

Ikr? That orange pants thing at the end? Fetch.

I read "with skinny teeth" and was briefly super excited for a new insult for conservative evangelical Christians.

Yeah, that's what I'm getting from people's responses to it. I just took it to mean what it actually says; I'm a very literal person to a fault. Maybe if it started out with "If you defend corporal punishment by saying..." it'd be more clear. As it reads, it's just calling me an oblivious asshole.

A couple more points: Your comic doesn't say "I turned out great because I was spanked," it says "I turned out fine and I was spanked." The speaker doesn't communicate to me any sort of superiority or even a necessary correlation. If someone is literally saying the quote from it, I think you may be misinterpreting

Sorry, it didn't come across that way to me. If you really know folks who will, apropos of nothing, just volunteer that information then, yeah, that may be the sign of an asshole. But I would assume that this would be something a person would say when the topic is brought up. Like myself right now. Do you not think a

I'm going to go ahead and take personal offense right now. You're calling me (and other kids who got hit) an asshole. You're also calling kids who had aggressive, abusive parents assholes. You're saying their parents were bad a parenting. Children who got hit had no control over that, but you feel the need and like

He does look like that, tho.

Oh, no... what a surprise....

I think you're critical enough for a generation.

Yeah, I was kind of upset when I read the article and learned "Milk" in this context was a verb not a noun. When am I going to learn to just read headlines, not the article.

But professional journalists shouldn't be hasty. And, yeah, "poor English use just adds incredulity to anything" is probably the worst English I've ever seen, but I'm not a professional righter.

"Cake is slang for ass?"

Also, that's not really where the stomach is. It's kind of just below the chest. That area is filled with miles upon miles of intestines.* Folks tend to think of that area as the stomach because that's where we feel full and people are like "food makes me fat, this part got fat, food goes to stomach, this part is

All those typos, tho. Does anyone ever edit this site? I know grammar's not as important as gay rights, but poor English use just adds incredulity to anything. Or maybe that's just me and no one cares anymore as we spiral down to idiocracy.

*person sucks. I try to remain positive especially in the face of this oblivious-at-best bullshit.