
When they knew they were going, they did it with style

I’m pissed that more white women didn’t vote for Hillary too, but please if we have learned anything from this election it is to stop with the blatant misinformation! 53% of all white women did not vote for Trump! 53% of white women WHO TURNED OUT TO VOTE voted for Trump. Which is still crap, but considering half the

This. I’ve been saying this since the primaries. The blame for this lies squarely with the fucking DNC. They ran the most disliked candidate in my lifetime (I’m 54).

This won’t be the only “promise” he will backtrack on. He won’t give his supporters even half of what he campaigned on because it’s not feasible.

Thing is, he painted himself in a corner. The people who voted him in office what him to do that. He, on the other hand, is all hot air. He was never going to do that. Just humiliate her. However, now that he is in office, he is going to have to find a way to do that, to lock her up. But he won’t because she has been

Turnout has been utterly dismal for Democrats and progressives the past few midterms. Republicans will vote anytime anywhere but you have to cajole, plead, beg and drag Dems and progressives to the polls in non-Presidential years. This is why our Congress has been utter garbage for the past 6 years.

As much as I am horrified by this outcome, I can’t help but feel HC should have taken the time to thank her supporters. Not long after she sent Podesta to tell them tell them it was too close to call, she called Trump and conceded. Those people worked for her and then waited hours, even in the face of more and more

Yes. Pence scares the fuck out of me. He’s a fucking monster.

As someone who voted for Clinton: Fuck Comey for that god damned letter.

Or at least slightly over half of America. Remember how close this election was. Razor thin. I didn’t vote for him. You didn’t either. And so didn’t millions of America who are just as heartbroken as you.

I give him three months before he goes, “Fuck this. I am outta here.” This is a man who has been handed everything to him on a silver platter his entire life. He didn’t have to roll up his sleeves and work his knuckles to the bone for anything. And now he is going to take what is arguably the most stressful and

Midterms. For the love of God, people, destroy the Republicans in 2018.

Our only real hope is that Ivanka and the Kushner’s keep him on a short leash. It’s kind of funny really. All those ‘Jew-S-A’ people just voted in someone who’s probably the closest ever to confirming their sad little conspiracy theories.

Welp, in early November 2000 I sat in a room with other housing rights activists and laughed about the prospect of GW Bush being elected. W figured it could NEVER happen. When people on this blog said “Trump ain’t winning” I knew all too well that anything was possible when you put working class white people on the

Hey you’re not alone, people looked at me like a pariah when I said Trump was going to win. I absolutely think he’s a total shit but I lost faith in humanity when my buddies’ eye leaked into my hand. Keep your positive view, people like you get crushed everything is truly fucked.

I donated to Planned Parenthood tonight, because I had to do something, and I figure they’re going to need all the help they can get.

I’ll offer this ray of hope. Probably won’t get out of the greys, but it’s worth saying.

OMFG. I could not fathom this. America hates women and minorities. However, Trump is a flake so maybe he will stun everyone by turning back to the left. It’s our only hope.

I’m the child of immigrants, I’m a woman of color, and I’m a feminist academic and activist. So just speaking for myself and my loved ones, this is going to be bad. This is going to be real, real bad. It’s going to have deleterious effects on the lives of just about everyone I know—including myself.

To all you in the media who pushed the “Bernie Bro” narrative to paint criticism of Hilary as unreasonable: your reality distortion field needed to be a lot bigger. Thanks for electing Donald Trump and burning our country to the ground.