
I did the Heimlich on my toddler daughter once when she somehow got a bandaid stuck in her throat. She was completely blue and not breathing, and it saved her. I wish I coukd have met him to say thank you.

Like a lot of inventors, he was a lot of things. Part genius, part crackpot, with the conviction of his own vision that sometimes led down dead end roads, sometimes not. At any rate, a fascinating figure, and certainly his eponymous maneuver has saved many, many lives. It’s kinda great that he finally got to use it

He was ninety-six, had a good life, and didn’t die ironically. Not too bad.

We’re trying fam

I would. I love living here, it’s beautiful and there a lot of people here who are fervently care about this state and the incredible potential it has.

I am personally very open about my son’s autism because I’m proud of everything about him. If the rumours are true, I sincerely hope they are keeping their child’s condition confidential to protect him and not from any sense of shame.

As a mother of a child on the spectrum, can you please dismiss any comments mocking Trump for having an autistic child? I hate Trump with a fiery passion, but that shit is off limits.

That was actually my first thought as well. The writing is very erratic.

No, been around a while and can be contrarian, but is definitely not a troll.

Not lockstep = troll

I cried when Trump won and this story reeks of bullshit.

Or the teacher. Sorry, I have seen to many of these Facebook posts with racist/homophobic notes turn out to be total bullshit.

It does. I believe there have been more racist outbursts in the aftermath of Trump winning. I saw one myself. But this note? It’s a weird combination of motor skills, prose, and concepts, that don’t seem like they fit any one age of child. If it’s real, it seems like it wouldn’t be hard to figure out which child

True, but there are more registered voters now than there was in 2008 or 2012. As a percentage of total possible voters turnout was down this year.

We ran a candidate whom everyone hates and when she lost, our response has largely been to get angry that people failed to get on board with her.

IMO the Democrats got crushed for several reasons:

Prioritizing Hillary Clinton’s feelings over the people who will die as a result of this election is how we got into this mess in the first place.

Agreed. This campaign basically deevolved into a dirt slinging match. I blame Hillary’s campaign for being weak. I also blame the Americans who didn’t bother to vote even in the face of the mess that is our next president. And there are many other reasons. We all got what we deserved, when we should’ve fought harder

I love Hillary, I voted for her without reservations, I cried when she lost.

I think because my brain and soul need to disconnect from this dystopian reality I’ve started to imagine Donald Trump sitting alone atop Trump Tower saying to himself, “What have I done?” I don’t for a second believe the man has a shred of empathy in his body, but my brain has started manufacturing scenarios in which