It's Me, Austin

I had a whole lot of doubts about the Bears going into the season and still do, but “Khalil Mack is the only good player on the Bears” is the dumbest fucking take I’ve read all season.

Yesterday it was “Kotaku is making too many excuses for Bethesda,” today it’s “Kotaku is being too harsh in Bethesda.” Nobody here can seem to get it straight.

The article you’re commenting on pointed out use of the phrase “the Jewish question” and the fact that it’s a pretty specifically Nazi-adjacent form of anti-semitism.

There are trans streamers who are regularly featured at GDQ. Allowing people who have been documented as saying horrible things about trans people anywhere near said streamers is dangerous to the latter.

He really showed his ass the first time. 

Gruden and Davis were counting on it to be the Walker trade too, the difference being that they expected Khalil fucking Mack to be Walker. 

I really hope they also add The End of Evangelion because holy shit.

“When I don’t know what the fuck I’m talking about, I turn to my good friend Google for the only definitive answer!”

Speaking of free/cheap PPV alternatives, WWE is still charging $60 for PPVs that stream included with the $10/mo Network. Gotta milk the non-internet-havers somehow. 

It’s early in the season but the Sabres have the third-best standing in the NHL and are only one point behind first. Something is deeply wrong.

This is that brilliant “fuck you I didn’t read the article” insight that keeps me coming back to Deadspin.

Avoiding giving him the attention he so desperately, pathetically craves. 


You leave Hawk and Animal out of this. 

Most lopsided game in NFL history was the Bears over the Skins, 73-0. 

Word has it Big Cass wouldn’t leave Carmella alone well after they’d broken up. Real catches, those guys. 

Luhrmann’s Gatsby was an adaptation of a book about the ultimate emptiness of the lavish excesses of the 1920’s, into a lavishly excessive movie about the 1920’s that was ultimately empty. It missed the point so violently that it’s a work of art unto itself. 

Not to mention the Tigers won two pennants in seven years AFTER hitting rock bottom. 

I’m looking forward to Houston replacing Applewhite with Chris Simms. 

“The two happiest days in a boat owner’s life are the day he buys the boat and the day he sells it.”