It's Me, Austin

Nick isn’t white. You might want to read his piece on Liz Warren’s DNA test. 

Dolph Ziggler cut a promo on “you entitled millennials” years ago, right during the part of his career when he was putting on the exact same match every night and whining on social media out of kayfabe that he still wasn’t champion.

Ronda: “Oh look who’s too injured to fight waaaah”

Jimmy Clausen just set his phone to maximum volume. 

Most of PBR’s brands listed in this article taste exactly the same, but Schlitz somehow tastes worse. 

We all would’ve preferred that but apparently DeVito said he wasn’t interested :(

That’s more or less how it is in the Detective Pikachu game too. The gameplay itself is pretty simple but the writing is excellent.

Good. That’s a perfect fuck-you to Trump. 

As a Bears fan, I absolutely love the job McCarthy has been doing.

Target sells a killer spinach-and-goat-cheese frozen pizza under their Archer Farms house brand that, as it turns out, you can also get at Aldi under a different brand name for a dollar less.

I was so blessed to get to watch that live. Fox News wasn’t the first to call 2012 for Obama so an angry Republican friend insisted on changing the channel to Fox, just in time for the projection and Rove losing his mind. 

I caught a Cubs-Reds spring training game at the 51s stadium several years ago. It was ungodly hot. They’d have to play in a dome.

My favorite Tool song!


Winter Soldier was the better movie, but GOTG was a hit when it had very little reason to be: It got dumped into the barren August box office, its biggest stars were in voiceover roles, and it was a virtually unknown property as far as the larger public was concerned. And it was, if I’m not mistaken, the most

In the case of Asuka, Naomi, and (I think) Tamina, the answer is that Smackdown creative didn’t give a fuck about this PPV outside of Becky/Charlotte. 

The only ones they actually consider people are themselves. 

I speak from experience that it won’t change the Orthodox community’s mind. Since Trump announced his candidacy they’ve become right-wing first, Jewish second.

Babymetal is the shit. 

Exactly what led Reagan to ban them in California with the NRA’s support.