
All day long.

I'm in Wyoming and it is snowing sideways. We're expecting snow all day around 6-8 inches.

This sounds exactly like my mom. She walked around with the bitchiest look on her face and sat outside in a lawn chair just frowning at the entire neighborhood. She had a grumbly word she would mumble when she got too upset. Something German that I have blocked from my memory forever. It was absolutely awful.

Who approved this verbal vomit?

Jezebel's privilege is showing. As a black woman, I never had the opportunity to shoplift like this. (Not that I would!) From being followed through stores to knowing that the consequences of getting caught were HUGE it never crossed my mind.

This. My dad was a manager with Kmart for years. The amount of yearly loss, etc hurt his and other employees end of year bonuses. These are the little guys. Not the corporation. Also, too much theft would mean he was out of a job.

I was just coming in to say this. He is an absolutely vile human being. He has not one redeeming value.

Her hair looks like she just came in from running outside in very windy conditions without securing the baby hairs.

Wow do I miss the 90's.

You do not like rap if you don't know who Killer Mike is.

I don't believe her.

Someone better go console Michael K.

This is my first winter in Northern WY. (Left FL...thank dog!) You dig out and walk them. My dogs will run around in the snow a bit and come inside. Then you have lots of toys and stuff inside.

That is not a 2:55 marathoner. She's not even wearing racing flats.

I absolutely hate when people lean on me. HATE.

Kendrick (we're on a first name basis in my head) looks so fucking adorable in that video. I want hang out with him and just laugh and shit.

You are correct. Thank you!

I just got engaged to the "creepy weirdo" next door. He is a simple, blue collar guy that many think is a "redneck". He's definitely a country boy at heart and I would've stereotyped him to be a racist asshole.

Bitches, please. Naomi is FLAWLESS. #wokeuplikethis