Who the FUCK is praising this fool?!?!?
Who the FUCK is praising this fool?!?!?
The death penalty is immoral no matter what. I can’t even with this story, it’s just too fucking depressing:(
This might be the only time I will ever agree with Wendy Williams.
One of the things I try to do for my wife is to not be this dumb, and/or drag her into the swirling whirlpool of my dumbness.
They’re probably not generous lovers, no.
Go wash your hands.
Can you imagine the uproar if he had touched a woman no matter what the circumstances? His political career would have been over.
Am I comfortable? Hell, no! But Mayor Pete wasn’t going to make me comfortable.
Here is my comment, white person reading this. Go back up and read this essay again. Think about it. Then don’t say shit, because truly you ain’t got shit to say.
I got one look at that haircut and immediately knew she said that shit.
it infuriates me better people have died from cancer and he still breathes.
Why on earth would you use a semi-automatic weapon to kill deer?
Do people who can afford these luxury resorts really follow influencers on social media? If I were super rich and looking for a luxury hotel, I wouldn’t look at some random millenial’s instagram, I'd ask my super rich friends.
I can watch this GIF all goddamn day.
Fuck him straight to hell.
There are only two people that I can’t wait for them to die: George Zimmerman and Donald Trump.
So to all the conservatives that were high fiving themselves and engaging in circle jerks about Jussie Smolett what is your response to this. One more time this is why I don’t give a fuck when a cop is shot. Not Sorry.
This explanation could be shortened to “I was only thinking about who could win my tiny, mostly rural, mostly white state and not who can win a national election”.
My Daughter: Yeah, one of the girl’s father is living with us now.