
I honestly don't know if you're a troll or just stupid.

I want Lupita's lip balm, too. I am drinking the Kool Aid!!

That sounds lovely. Can I book a month there?

That smile on Black Thought's face!!!!

Dude was being a douche, but he later apologizes in the comments.

Chicken. I live in Florida and it's a common menu item.

I know violence is not the answer, but I would want to smack the shit out of someone for saying these things to my daughters.

I live in Fort Lauderdale. We've had a perfect winter. But 'summer' ( the other 8 months" is near. {{shudder}}

Just the thought of ketchup makes me gag. I have none in my house. So gross.

Dunkin' IS a big deal. I'm actually not a huge doughnut fan, but I LOVE their coffee and prefer it over Starbucks. And it's cheaper.

Hold up...There are no Dunkin Donuts on the West coast? That is a deal breaker.

You had 19 kids?!?!?!

I consider myself a woman of color...

You sound like an asshole.