
All of these people are extremely attractive. The End.

I was sooooo excited to see a pretty, young black girl on the scene. My hair looked like hers in this video and I made my mom get me those bows. I wore those things daily.

My mom now wants to know why I can't find a nice guy like that Bruno Mars. Oh, mom... If only.

My 64 year old dad wears a fedora. It's adorable on him. (He's always worn one.) I can't get with a guy that reminds me of my dad.

I've always thought my dad was weird for carrying a handkerchief. But, damn is it awesome when I sneeze or my nose is running and he hands it to me. (It just seems so classy.)

Mom is starting to squick me out here.

I'm sorry, but I don't get it. Her site is stupid.

Tyra's eyes are green. We don't all have brown eyes.

Cookie Monster going to town on those cookies? DEAD.

That was fantastic! Thanks for posting.

It is!!!

Ohhhhh???? I'm in the area. (Broward so maybe why I don't hear much.) Anything I should look at in particular?

Yeah. I'm pretty surprised by this one. Place has been around for a while and seems rather pedestrian.

My little sister worked at D&B many years ago. That used to be my hangout. I would get shitfaced with my friends (on the cheap) and play games all night. I kind of miss it.

You have throughout this entire thread.

You really wanna get angry? Read this. This asshole lectured me on why my thread got removed and then went on to post that shit. So Jez removed my thread but lets her spew her bullshit.

Nope. Can't link it because Jez REMOVED it. Also, it's not my job to educate you.