I have never heard of Take Back the Night. It wasn't around when I was in school and my city has no major universities. (And why would I be hanging out on campus?)
I have never heard of Take Back the Night. It wasn't around when I was in school and my city has no major universities. (And why would I be hanging out on campus?)
I honestly did not know what Take Back the Night was. It started long after I finished college and I do NOT live in a college town.
So now he's going to be even more paranoid and armed.
I was happy with book, but part III and the ending made me want to shake someone. First time in a while that I felt cheated after reading a book.
I am binging on the Misfits. How had I not watched this show before?
Her sunglasses are cute.
I vote for Denton as being bro-yer than both Austin and Dallas. (Lived in both and went to school at UNT.)
Nope. I'm wide awake like I had caffeine before bed or something.
Didn't really start happening to me until around 35ish. Now (I'm 38) anything more than a single glass of wine and I'm up all night. I'll actually "fall asleep" for an hour or so then up the rest of the night. It's awful.
It gets worse. You'll get even older and you won't be able to sleep after drinking. Trust me.
I would much rather hear about your industrial show and dumpster diving then some stupid little league soccer match.
I was just googling for that picture. No straight guy can pull of that color combo.
I've always wondered this. Especially when friends are asking me to throw their keys, etc in my bag.
Mystery Man can get it. Is that what we're supposed to be discussing?
It it's basic web stuff I'd say around $50 - $80. Custom programming I'd go around $100 - $140. Now my disclaimer: I'm in a far cheaper market than most. If you're in a competitive area those prices can be even higher.
Fully agreed. Thus the reason I have no problem giving him my services for free. Plus he paid for school.