
My hair is about that texture. My curls are a bit tighter. I use a heavy conditioner. Usually Pantene for Curls because I'm cheap. Comb out my hair in the shower and detangle. NO WASHING. I only wash around once a week for product build up and stuff.

Then I gently sop up the wetness. NO RUBBING with the towel. It'll

I run into the same problem as a web developer. I don't understand why people think I want to spend 10+ hours working for free to build them a site. The only person that got a free site is my dad. Even he took me out to dinner!

I love, love, love the lipstick. I'll be attempting to find that this weekend.
I HATE that eyeshadow. HATE it.

Please. The gays have been rocking that thing for a couple of years here in Fort Lauderdale.

All these basic bitches need to just head on home because Miss Cicely Tyson shut that whole damn thing down.

I resisted for a long time. When I finally watched I cried. That show portrays my upbringing to a tee. I grew up in an East TX town that was football crazed. They did an EXCELLENT job portraying small town Texas. It actually made me miss TX. (I got out of there ASAP. Now considering going back.)

I am embarrassed by how much I love this show.

Is that Tara from Friday Night Lights?

I haven't smoked for about 8 years and still will crave them when I'm around them. Fortunately, none of my friends or family smokes so it's very rare that I'm around it. But, if i were to find out that I'm dying in a month or something I would be smoking up a storm.

Yup. Mine weren't public, but I definitely smoked a roommates / friends buts while trying to quit. So glad I do not smoke anymore.

I assumed he was trying to quit smoking, too.
Been there. Done that. Not proud.

For once, this is a ring I would actually like to hear about. That thing looks awesome!

Hmmm...if only Jezebel could start a fund to maybe get her to a decent school. Sort of like they did those Teen Mom kids we were all supposed to think were so awesome.

Chief Keef is so off his freaking rocker she probably truly feared for her life. Dude is CRAZY.

So, he's guilty of hiding the hot. What a shame.

I did not know he had improved that much. He needs to call me!

Wait...has Ludicrous always been hot?

He looked hungover.

I thought that was Amanda Bynes in the thumbnail.

Because black people.