
Many of you really should be ashamed of yourselves.

Cicely Tyson is 78 years old and looks fabulous. Also, I'm named after her. :-)

Go see it alone at a matinée. No one will even pay attention. No one wanted to go with me so I went on a Saturday at 11 am. There were many others in there watching alone as well. No one cares.

My birthday is this Saturday and I took off Friday. I didn't tell anyone so I can go to the movies, get a pedicure, and spend the entire day alone. I wondered if that was odd, but it's truly what I want to do.

I love my day adventures through the city. I never know what I'm going to do on any given weekend (or evening).

Exactly what I discovered as well. Finding that it was ok to do things on my own was liberating.

I do most things alone. I have a social life and everything. I go to parties and out to dinner with friends when invited. However, since I'm single, pushing 40, and find that most of my friends are busy with their families it's actually too much trouble to always get someone to go out with.

Miss J is 53 years old? Work!

Please do not forget that Charlie Sheen SHOT Kelly Preston.

Me too. It looked crappy then, still looks crappy now.

Did you hear that sound? That was the sound of a million panties dropping across America. Le sigh...

Me too! My dog died recently and I listened to 'Tha Crossroads" repeatedly. Why ? Because of this line:

Ohhhh....that's good to know. He's gorgeous!

I covet Willow's boots!

I'm likely twice his age, but that is one handsome man (boy? Not sure of his age.) He is flatout swoon worthy. The eyebrow arch and the dimple? Get it, Dayo!

Thanks for the info and I thought it was absolutely adorable.

Yes! A million times yes!!!

Thanks...When I'm ready I'll get another one. I lean towards dogs because he truly makes me far more social. My neighborhood has tons of other dogs and you really get to know your neighbors walking the dog everyday. I think that's part of what I'm missing as well. The silly chit chat/gossip with my neighbors.

I've lived alone for YEARS and LOVED it. We're talking 8+ years. My dog recently died and it is the first time that I've ever felt truly alone in my home. I now feel like I'm coming home to an empty house and notice the quiet 24/7.

Just got back and loved every, freaking minute of it!