
I think Stefon should get his own show.

If I could approve this, I would. That was pretty much my statement.

Stefon, you just made my day. I love the excitement that you had in meeting the president. I'm thrilled that you had a wonderful experience.

But, what did Lenny wear? That is all that really matters.

Uhm...she clearly states she doesn't like running, so why not leave it at that?

I thought the same, but they're Polish so maybe it's a common Polish name.

Finally someone that deserves a "push present". I'd be ok with her getting a new purse or something after that ordeal.

I'm sure you've tried it, but you might do well getting a good pair of running shoes. Being properly fit for running shoes can help with a lot of things.

This is exactly why it irritates me. It's the first thing out of many people's mouths when I tell them I run. Uhm...I've run for 20 years. No knee pain.

That's fine, but to universally say it's bad for everyone's knees is not true.

You mean it hurts her knees. I wouldn't say anything if that's what she said.

I completely agree with this and understand that not everyone is meant to run. I just hate this universal "it's bad for your knees" statement that people throw out.

Running is not bad for your knees. Why do people keep saying that? Just admit you don't like it and move on.

My cool Aunt Virginia goes by Ginger. (Is that really shorter?)

Is this man being asked to resign? He is not fit to be a judge. Period. Any person of color that appears before him is NOT going to get a fair trial.

I wonder if it's more offensive because they're women of color.

I had a little Italian greyhound in a small apartment for years. Just be sure to walk him well.

Lindsay Lohan will not have a comeback until she gets rid of that awful blond hair. Who is telling her that looks good?

This actually describes the way I sleep. I fall asleep around 9ish. Wake at 2ish. Read/freakout that I'm awake/whatever/ then fall back asleep around 3 and up no later than 7. I've been trying to break this pattern for a LONG time. Oddly, I don't feel tired or anything so maybe it's just natural for me.

I thought I was the only one. I get even less than that a few days before my period. I actually have to take a prescription sleep aid to get some sleep.