
I’m late to the game here, but the one thing that I can confidently say I’ll easily do a million times is...unlock my phone. Somebody needs to develop and app to track how many times you unlock your phone each day. It’s gotta be in the hundreds per day.

Fuck, the range of emotions I felt reading this article is unreal. Initial anger at the US fucking this thing up so badly, feeling terrible for Pulisic, incredible goosebump-inducing joy at re-watching those highlights (I can still remember screaming in elation at those goals, waking my kids up from their naps both

Can we all agree though the Vegas day drinking is exempt from this?

Every time I look at her I think of Lucille Bluth

The big question in my mind is what exactly is he afraid is going to happen if he’s alone with another woman? He must have no willpower!

Well played

Now playing

One of the best of all time. Gets a little dusty in the room listening to this one...

Proud US citizen here, but damn if the Canadian anthem doesn’t give me chills every time I hear it.

You don’t get it. We have accepted that he is our president. We’d just like to him to start acting like it now. We don’t need him reminding us of how great he is or how much people liked his speech. Who cares about the crowd sizes? Maybe he could focus on his job and not on the mean things the other kids on the

I want to give him a chance. I really do. I wouldn’t vote for him and think he’s a sociopathic narcissist of the worst kind, but I’ve accepted he’s our president and I realize that our success is pegged to his. I want him to succeed. But fuck, he is more concerned about spinning lies about crowd sizes and arguing with

Good for him, I don’t blame him for a second. And guaranteed this becomes a trend. Why should a player with an NFL career coming risk injury just to play in a meaningless bowl game? I’m sure the players have good time, but let’s face it, only the school, the TV networks, and sponsors benefit tangibly, so screw it.

As bad as it is wearing an NHL jersey to a pickup game like this, does he seriously have the captain’s letter C on the front? That takes the douche-factor way up a notch.

“I don’t care about the injuries or fatalities”.

This Trump campaign has reached the point where I have to assume this is some sort of parallel to the movie Brewster’s Millions. For those that don’t recall the movie, Richard Pryor’s character inherits $300 million, but to collect it, he had to spend $30 million in 30 days. The catch was he couldn’t tell anyone what

Mariners Lost in the Dumbest Way is redundant at this point.

This makes me so sad. Ever since moving to the Pacific northwest from NY, I terribly miss several things, notably: east coast Chinese food, decent chicken parmigiana, a good bagel...and soft serve. Man I miss that stuff, you just can’t get it here.

Shit, I knew there was a book already like this, could not for the life of me remember what it was.

If I were a conspiracy nut I’d say this smells like a plot to reduce world population! Somebody created a deadly virus (Zika) and released it in South America, knowing that it would spread to Brazil and that the IOC and Brazil won’t stop the Olympics, thus guaranteeing a reduction in population! If I were a conspiracy

How. Fucking. Dare. You. I’m a grown man and I’ve cried 3 times in my life...once at my daughter’s birth, once when my dog died, and when Rudy makes that tackle.

I miss John Stewart...imagine the fun he’d have with this.