
They aren’t dense in the way that Ulysses is dense. It isn’t particularly HARD to follow. They are dense in that they are closely intertwined with a WHOLE lot of stuff. There are tons of flashbacks, alternate universes, magical rules, etc., and even with all of the the wild stuff that goes on in an action way and an

HBO opportunity is knocking. You want a replacement for Game of Thrones complete with a well known author, here you go. You get the added bonus that King could write ten more novels for the series in the same time it takes the average author to put together an outline for a single novel.

Yes, they culturally appropriated the use of Westerosi sigils. So a red dragon on a black field was their usual display. But if a bastard child came along and started their own cadet branch, they were “required” to reverse the colors, so a black dragon on a red field.

*pushes glasses up nose*

Considering that the dragonriders were the ultimate social elite of Valyria, it would be odd if they didn’t use dragon-themed symbols. But in any case, this series is supposed to be about the Dance of the Dragons, the Targaryen civil war that led to the extinction of the flying lizards in Westeros — in other words,

Except they’re wandering into the same trap. Blood and Fire covers about half of the Targaryan dynasty. . . a second book is due to bring the story up to the Mad King. And you know how George does with delivering books. So they’re going to have a couple of seasons, and run out of road in that book, and then what?

As far as I know the series they are moving forward with is based on Aegon’s Conquest and the subsequent Targaryen Dynasty, and is set ~300 years before Game Of Thrones (I had initially thought it was going to be based on the Valyrian Freehold before the Doom, which I also would have loved to see, but it seems to be

Your eloquent and well thought out argument has swayed me. Thank you.

You are confused about when this show is being set.  It’s only a couple of hundred years before the show we just got, and is about a Targaryen civil war.

Counterpoint: the White Walkers turned out to be really uninteresting and ineffectual.  Without being handed a dragon, they’d have been trapped behind the wall forever.

They saw what happened when D&D lost their guide book.

I really hope The Long Night pilot leaks some day. I personally find that time period way more interesting than more Targaryens. 

Ryan Phillipe has made several visits to the muskokas (playground for the rich in Ontario) where he has stayed at a residence next door to one owned by a good friend and her family. The neighbours are friendly, even attending one another’s weddings (where Philippe was also a guest). She has said he is an unrepentant

I think part of the pattern too has to do with control. Shitty men date women 20 years younger than them because they need to be in control, and similarly aged women are less likely to take their bullshit, but younger women don’t always have the life experience to see through that shit until they’re in a relationship

“I’m not victim blaming, but...”.

“No, baby I slipped, I swear I slipped! BABY! Baby... you’re so beautiful when you’re crying.”

Generally, I tend to believe the guy when it comes to these tales

How about men with power and money - stop going after women half your age and then complain when people point out a power imbalance or call you a fucking creep. 

Yeah but it just doesn’t justify his behavior, and he was sending her (and her friends) messages afterwards, he was also sharing pictures of her on his social media afterwards.... he’s a piece of trash.

The world is filled with couples who love/date/marry and are decades apart, and everything is perfectly fine. Domestic violence is not a product of that, it’s a product of abusive asshats being abusive.