You‘re a fucking clown.
You‘re a fucking clown.
That movie had Nicole Kidman, Daniel Craig, Eva Green, and of course Sam goddamn Elliot all in perfect casting. As excited as I am for this adaption that’s gonna be a hard roster to top.
Well, I'm hoping he decides to donate to a charity of his genuine choosing which also fights against anti-semitism.
What a chode. He’s never going to donate to any charity and just hopes everyone forgets about it.
And if your fanbase thinks you’re being FORCED to donate to charity, an action that is so outlandish to them they think it can only be performed under duress, you have a garbage fucking fanbase.
This would be a lot more convincing if he didn’t have an iron fucking cross on his collar come on man
I … I don’t understand...
- dude makes anti-Semitic jokes
- dude gets shit for it, rightfully
- dude says he’s going to donate to ADL as a way to take responsibility
- some idiots on the internet don’t like this
- he decides not to donate to them, as a way to... take responsibility??
I feel like I’m missing a piece of logic…
So the next time this dude claims sincerity, we’re just supposed to buy it wholesale, right?
Real courage of your convictions there, Pewds.
It helps that there’s already a huge flashing neon sign of what not to do with the Golden Compass film.
“he seemed like a decent dude overall”
“Sure, Dick Cheney got us in the war in the Middle East, and personally helped to engineer the Patriot Act and has destabilized our country for his own profit. But you know, no one talks about the charities he donates to, it’s unfair!”
I never said that there was anything wrong with his fanbase. I said he’s a piece of shit, which he is.
I don’t know, plenty of large youtubers who don’t have a Nazi following. The Markiplier and friends crowd may not be my sort of content but they’ve managed to become very successful without shouting the N word or taking advantage of the people in a poorer country to make antisemitic jokes.
As Kurt Vonnegut said, we must be careful who we pretend to be.
No. If what you’re saying has a large amount of Right Wing Nazis showing up and supporting you, it’s because what you’re saying feels appealing to the scum that is the so-called ‘Alt-Right’. The fact that they turned Pewdiepie into a meme that was referenced by mass shooters, and that hate groups support and spread…
How exactly is he being misrepresented? He did say the n-word. He did pay people to say “Death to all Jews.” These things aren’t spin. They’re objective facts.
For what it’s worth, I think you can joke about anything you want, but the more sensitive your subject is, the better a comedian you need to be to find the humor without resorting to shock value or outright mean-spiritedness.
He gave a shout-out to a known YouTuber who makes pretty much exclusively hate videos. He paid some people who didn’t understand English $5 to hold up a sign that read, “Death to All Jews.” He has included anti-Semitic “humor” in more than several videos. And in addition to all of that, whenever he gets called out for…
The fact that he still believes that “he should be able to joke about anything he wants”. Tells me he still hasn’t learned a goddamn thing. And why should he? He’s a priveliged, rich asshole with an audience of yes men who think anything he says and does is gold.
I mean he definitely did some shitty things, so expect a bunch of comments disagreeing with your opinion of him. I don’t know if he has actually grown up at all and if the apologies and actions he has taken since doing those things makes up for them.
No one is blaming him directly for the shootings. What we are saying is that because of his massive influence with a younger audience, as well as the fact of how he aligned himself with a bunch of free-speech mooks and other shitty individuals, Pewdiepie’s brand of “I’m just joking” racism is a gateway to harder,…