
Well, she probably hurt her husband (which is probably why she expressed the regret she did), but yeah. 

So in that vein, how would you specify a sex-worker who specifically has sex for money from, say, a stripper or a cam girl? Genuinely curious, as I think it’s an important to be able to speak in a respectful but specific way.

Is it then okay to tell all your other friends and discuss ad-nauseum what you think is best for him (and all gay people, really) instead of just letting him know gently that either way, you love him and support him? Because if we are actually applying the analogy, that is what this article and ensuing comments

More to the point of why Lily Allen was ashamed - she was going through Post-Natal Depression, possibly using sex to numb some stuff, her marriage was failing, and assuming that the didn’t negotiate it ahead of time, she was probably cheating on her husband with a sex worker. From her statement, it didn’t seem like

Seems like your experience might make you a bit biased towards your own personal beliefs about the type of person who seeks out paid sex, and that you might be projecting a bit...

It’s easy to forgive someone for stealing food when they are hungry (we got a whole musical about it, actually). It’s less forgivable to force sex on someone if you are horny and/or lonely.

You can live a full life without sex, and many people do. Completely hyperbolic analogy. 

I don’t think it would be too far-fetched to Google or IMDb a scene-partner. Judging from the fact that Shane Black has basically iced her out of group press-conferences, I’m guessing she didn’t go to him first (but really, why would she? It’s clear that he already knew about and excused the behavior by hiring the

A totally decent guy, aside from the fact that he protected, employed, and empowered a convicted sex offender, didn’t tell his producers about it despite the possible PR shit-storm that might ensue, and black-balled Olivia Munn for speaking up.

Brilliant would have been Barry Jenkins discussing Awkwafina’s reliance on black vernacular and performative blackness to provide comic relief in both Ocean’s 8 and Crazy Rich Asians.

Where do I fall if I think a ice cream between waffles and a sub are both sandwiches? I feel so lost and alone now.

CBS is donating the $20M, not Moonves. So he won’t be able to claim a dime of it.

Bradley Gaga, clearly.

Yeah, so, this is where your assumptions about biological sex are hindering your understanding.

It could be argued that women with normal vaginas have been similarly traumatized because porn has become the normative way in which people understand genitals, but I wouldn’t say the fix for that should be for more women to have labioplasties. I would say the opposite is true - that we should just be accepting of

OMG the bunny! I am dying. These are so cute.

Regardless of whether the decision needs to be made or not, “Intersex” is an expansive category that covers .5% of the total children born every year (which is around 20,000). These children may have ambiguous internal or external genitals, brain chemistry, or chromosomal sex traits. Forcing their sex into a 2-sex

My partner’s father circumcised his boys for this exact reason, and now, 30 years later, he openly says he deeply regrets it. Better to offer the option later than take away the choice before there is one. 

100% Scientology has enabled and hidden institutional rape, slavery (SeaOrg) and a variety of other terrible behavior. They also force members into cutting off all ties family members and friends who are not Scientologist, which is significantly worse than even the Catholic Church’s excommunication. 

This is the most accurate description of surfer culture, and I’m here for it. My whole family are lifelong surfers, but I’m a very sensitive person who gets my feeling hurt, and they just don’t understand why I don’t like it. Luckily, my partner surfs, so I have offered him up as tribute.