
Dammit, I just posted this upthread. Sorry for accidentally stealing you (excellent) joke.

GOP on Twitter:

Who’s the Nazi youth next to cool Obama? 

Musk’s (ex?)girlfriend Grimes invited Banks to collaborate on a music project with her, and accidentally double-booked a weekend getaway over the same weekend Banks was coming. Musk and Grimes offered to let her stay in the guest house, and she was apparently wandering around the estate for the weekend after refusing

It’s also WAY better for your cat! They live, on average, 5 years longer if you keep them inside. The world is a scary place even for a predator like a cat - coyotes, other cats, anti-freeze, cars, etc. 

It’s telling that you think forcibly stealing and distributing personal, intimate photos without consent for profit is not a violent act.

I’m a statistical sociologist and this is one of the most cut-and-dried cases of causation I’ve seen in a while. But thanks for the condescension, it’s suuuuuper appreciated.

More like, they’re embarrassed to say that they’ve never voted and don’t ever plan to.

I met him about 8 years ago, and I can confirm that MIB is a huge jerk and judging from his behavior towards myself and my female friend (both of whom were big fans of his), he is at best dismissive towards women, and at worst, a misogynist. 

There are very few people I would want to work with less than someone described as a cross between Louis and Michael Scott. That sounds fucking horrific and I am sorry you had to deal with that fuckwad. 

Let me re-phrase: 0f those who are murdered, the majority are killed by men. Therefore, it’s not a stretch to say that the act of murder and maleness are at least correlated.

You’re right - it’s not about me - it’s about men, their relationship with violence, and how guns exacerbate that relationship.

A majority of victims may be male (77%), but 93% of women are murdered by a man, and almost half of those murders were committed by an intimate parter. The percentage goes up significantly

There, fixed that for you.

Yeah, because a football player has never killed himself and his whole family.

Pulse and Vegas were two of the biggest shootings ever in America. And they happened in the course of the last two years.

This asshole killed 2 people and injured 11 by firing into a crowd of unarmed people. The only reason you are having trouble defining this as the massacre it is is because mass shootings are so

86% of gun violence is perpetrated by men. This is 100% a gender issue, and it’s not because women are trying to “make it about them” (really, I would much prefer if if our intimate partners, random dudes on the street, cops, etc. would stop killing us). 

I would add the men - violence - guns connection is absolute.

Yeah, but the copy-cats aren’t. 

The exception doesn’t prove the rule. Men perpetrate 86% of gun deaths. 

Also, show was originally produced by BBC, and it sounds like they will not be airing any of the BBC seasons that they don’t already have on Netflix. However, since Channel 4 now owns the rights, and they already air a lot of Channel 4 shows (like Black Mirror), they will be airing the Channel 4 seasons.