
The Dirt Bag podcast had a former gossip-writer on a while ago and he said the same thing. Basically, a lot of celebrities actually leak their own stories to gossip mags/sites in order to kill bigger stories. 

A restaurant that cooks steaks correctly.

An ad for this movie largely featuring her image was plastered all over NYC when I was there last month. It was the only thing I’d heard about the movie - have not seen the trailer in front of any movie that I’ve seen in the last two months. 

It makes me really sad that this is what Brian Henson does with Jim’s legacy. Over the years I’ve read about some seriously cool stuff that they’ve been “in production” on, and then we get this. It’s pretty disappointing. 

Not to go too far down the education rabbit hole, but I’m guessing YouTube Sensation is a popular career for those who did not finish high school/go to college.

Wow, this is kind of a terrible take.

As recently as July, he was defending detaining children by claiming ICE agents treated them “humanely.” The guy is indefensible. 

Except that as recently as July, he was defending ICE by claiming that detained children were “treated humanely.” The guy’s a piece of trash. 

“I heard that dogs can sense earthquakes. Too mad Japan ate all of theirs smh”

Us Weekly they wrote a story a couple of weeks back with that explanation as well. Basically - “Jen not divorcing Ben until she knows he’s sober”. Link here.

Yep. They do smell exactly like a campfire, however.

Musk openly admitted to the NYT that he has self-medicated with drugs and Ambien. I actually find the acid-trip part of Banks’s story to be pretty believable given the people involved (Musk and Grimes).

I’m sure they’ll find a way.

Gizmodo is a news aggregator more than it is a news-creator in my experience. That probably accounts for the delay.

I really feel like the biggest thing is the lips. They are just... so different.

Didn’t Sprint get sued for this exact thing in a class-action a few years back? You should absolutely be recording the speeds and collecting evidence. May pay out big time in a few years.

Yes, but if “truth isn’t truth,” then “unlimited isn’t unlimited” is such an easy case to make...

How you missed the sarcasm in the initial post is beyond me, but since you took the time to write out such a nice comment, I felt like I should probably let you know about it...

NPR was reporting on this early this morning. I guarantee you this story was already out by the time you sent the tip.

Yes, let’s blame the public employees fighting to save lives and property, for going with a reasonably priced wireless plan that Verizon CLAIMED work for what they needed. Not the profiteering telecomm company that lied to firefighters and then tried to scam them into paying more for the service. 

Verizon should be