
Can’t fucking wait (going Saturday). If it’s as good as everyone is saying — and it does look so goddamn good — I think the Cap trilogy will be the best thing in the MCU as I already loved the previous Cap movies. That’s what’s so impressive considering I was never big into the character because he seemed like such a

Wow, great hot take.

This is a remarkably long article for something that can be summed up by saying, “Impossible - Radiohead is godawful noise.”

I was so goddamn depressed it took me nearly 3 months to even want to leave the house and meet people again

This has always been my experience, the pining and being mopey and all that crap. Usually after 3-4 months it would lift and I’d start to feel like myself again.

I nominate Alyssa Milano’s workout video for the Most Uncomfortable for Preteen Males to Watch with Family Members award.

Now playing

Here’s the original SNL video for all of those interested.

I just assumed basketball in Australia looked like this:

Jones is normally the one of the most exciting guys in the sport. The only thing I can think of is that he knew that staying healthy meant he’d be on this card, and he didn’t want to take any chances. Strange fight.

My sleep number is 40. As in 40 oz

I popped for a Tempurpedic a few years ago and good lord I am now a sleep diva.

Exact same thing happened with me, only because of a Tempur-Pedic.

THIS, and this is also what makes my wife awesome. She gets the “we don’t need to do everything together” thing, and actually paid for my round of golf on the day of her bridal shower. On the day of her baby shower, my dad and I contributed by staying home and putting together the crib and dresser.

It’s been grey and raining all day in the Twin Cities. And God as my witness, right now the sky is purple. Unreal.

And then when you go back to pick it up later, you can't find the shit pile. Happens. All. The. Time.

I’d criticize school staff for not seeing through the ruse, but in all fairness, nobody’s ever met a 30-year-old from South Sudan.

This is terrible to say, and is probably going to get me lit up here, but stories like this make me think that assisted suicide should be 100% legal all over the country. If I were faced with early-onset Alzheimer’s to this extent, I would not want that to ruin my wife’s life or anyone else’s.

“Fuck if we know” - Braves

I keep trying to figure out ways Mr. Tudyk survives Serenity so we can have a full cast reunion of Firefly. I might even forgive that it was all but a dream.