Agree this is an easy question for me as well.
Agree this is an easy question for me as well.
I tend to spread mine on Ritz crackers. A butter knife, a jar of crunchy peanut butter, and some crackers is one of life’s simpler joys. I’ve never had the desire to spoon it in to my mouth directly. The threat of saliva sitting in with the peanut butter sounds unpleasant at best and gross as a matter of fact. A jar…
Truth. And in fact I was just about to have a mid-afternoon snack of granny smith apple with peanut butter.
Great Plains in Ames?
I didn’t know you could do that from inside the kitchen.
I feel that has to be the easiest “get” in the history of hall passes. That’s basically, “I’m fucking Bill Clinton if I get within 100 yards of him.”
At least it wasn't the dogs with bees in their mouths so when they bark they shoot bees at you.
Yeah, it’s on them not on you. Mismanagement on that level shouldn’t make you feel guilty! If you’re able to realize that the system is flawed and you would thrive elsewhere, go ahead and leave my dude.
Nah, you gotta do what you gotta do.
Honestly, if any chair has been farted in more than my dad’s seat at the dinner table, I'd be shocked.
In all sincerity, that’s a gorgeous swing.
I don’t at all disagree with you
I am also a sweaty guy.* I understand what you are saying, but must be forced to disagree. Yes people will see you sweat. Yes you will be a sopping mess. But AT LEAST people won’t have to look at your nipples or chest hairs plastered against the inside of your shirt. If Sean miller was even a little more hairy, that…
Ah yes, the summer wedding, the secret fear of all us sweaty men.
I also sweat a lot. Can’t wear certain color shorts in the summer because of the fear of visible butt sweat...This guy though..he’s on a whole different level. He should consider spraying himself with scotchgard before he does pretty much anything for the rest of his life. How has he not died from dehydration? How bad…
Sepp Blatter, I’ll do anything for you
Sepp Blatter, just tell me what you want me to
Sepp Blatter, nail me up against the wall
Sepp Blatter don’t want everything he wants it all
Some close friends of mine swear by the DEW and I also find it unappealing but I also generally prefer bourbon or Scotch, so put me down for same on all counts.
yeah it’s just a bunch of fake moves, and then the Stunner, which is real. i don’t get it either