I would donate all of the money to that Kickstarter.
I would donate all of the money to that Kickstarter.
I'm just going to take this moment to recommend one of his projects if you haven't seen it. A Young Doctor's Notebook is quite hilarious, especially if you like dark humor and Jon Hamm as well as DanRad.
Every time one of their music videos comes out I get so excited because the previous ones have been so awesome. Hopefully this continues so I don't get disappointed :)
Thank you. I wish I could star this a thousand more times.
Preeeetty sure the "super-relatable" part is a joke.
Also yes.
Oh yeeeeah! I knew it was something I had watched over and over again for no particular reason when I was little! I think we even had the VHS...
This gif! I know what it's from! Can't...remember...
I MISS JENNA! and her wonderful nail tutorials.
Re: the warm water thing: I have to because my teeth are super sensitive and it really hurts if I use cold water. But not in the shower, that's just weird.
THAT'S WHO HE IS! I knew I'd seen him before! Yay Dean!
(Not a caption) but damn! I want Michelle's dress. But first, her arms.
"...Target: Women creator Sarah Haskins..."
With this one and yesterday's, I think I'm just gonna have to go live under a rock.
Hah! I knew I liked you! (I'm from San Jose too and do the same thing. And then forget my reusable bags when I go to the store. I've pretty much accepted that I will be paying an extra ten cents every time I go.)
Okay, first off, there is no statute of limitations on rape in Canada, so the fact that a year has gone by doesn't matter in regard to legal consequences. Even if there was, why would that make a difference to whether or not the crime actually happened?
RIGHT? But they're not gonna retire, they still need to work too because their retirement funds tanked from the recession. :'(