
Well, I can't say anything for the "echo chamber," but it definitely bothers me because this Pepper guy is pretty obviously an asshole who likes to assault people for fun (as evidenced by his own videos) and the previous commenter seems to be incapable of even entertaining the idea that the assault and rape might be

Well, if you think so. Try learning something while you're at it. The massive amounts of replies either disagreeing with you civilly or disagreeing with you while calling you a fucking cunt troll should tell you something. They're all disagreeing with you because you're wrong.

I think what most people here are not understanding about your stance on this issue is your unwillingness to accept his previous behavior as a possible cause of her allegations. If he had been a model citizen before and this story came out, I might be a bit more skeptical. However, he has shown multiple times that he

I didn't say he was. My opinion, based on previous evidence (his stupid disgusting-ass videos), is that it is very very likely that he sexually assaulted and raped her. Where there's smoke, there's fire and all that. It's really hard to give someone the benefit of the doubt when there is video evidence (that he put on

Just because YOU don't believe that a crime happened doesn't mean that a crime did not actually happen. This is where learning to be a sympathetic human being and not a fucking moron would really help.

Where is that guy anyway? I feel like he dropped off the face of the earth after that.


I, for one, welcome our new Hairpin-ian overladies. (Un-grey me pleaseeee and I will love you forever)

Whenever I hear someone say it that way I always ask them to say the word "gift." I just go, "Can you please say the word G-I-F-T for me? Yeah, that's how you say it."

Interesting. I'm still a bit skeptical, but perhaps if you could find the article?

Sorry if I missed something, but how can driftwood be toxic to dogs? It's just wood, no different from any old stick they might pick up in the back yard. Are you saying if it's a decorative item it might have been treated with something that would make it toxic?

I'm sorry, I hate being that guy, but dude. Holy typos, Batman!

And you seriously have no reading comprehension. All I was trying to say in my original post is that blood is not the only thing to worry about in a disease-type manner during sex. That's it. Nothing else. You're the one who jumped in with incomplete information about Hep C. Move on. I'm going to.

Yup, it is indeed the worst part. Also try not to tense up your legs...mine tend to creep up until the waxer has to push them down so she can get to my bits. Now I just clench my hands and my teeth instead.

I haven't heard of taking muscle relaxers, but I know from experience that aspirin or acetominophen or ibuprofen (basically any anti-inflammatory) half an hour beforehand helps with both the pain and the redness.

Look, I'm going to say this one more time: you're still spreading misinformation when you don't explicitly state there is still a chance of contracting a disease, any disease, even Hep C, through the kind of contact we've been discussing.

I am chilled, thanks. I don't appreciate misinformation being spread about serious diseases like Hepatitis C.

What a glorious haiku.

OMG OMG permanent retainer!! I wanted one once I got my braces off but I'm so glad now that I wasn't given the option for one of those!!

Oh, your BROTHER is researching the disease! Well I guess you showed me! Wait, if he works with the CDC, shouldn't he know the information they've put out about this disease? Like what they said in the link I posted about how Hep C can be transmitted through sexual contact? Maybe it just hasn't come up at dinner yet.